Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/425

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SIXTY—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 77, 78. 1922. 397 CHAP. 77.-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations F¢b¤1¤fY ‘-*5, 1922 for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, and for other purposes," approved March 30. 1920. [P“bh°¤N°· 155] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ey the United mmm Acadcmv States of America in Congress assemble , That the secon roviso of instruction course the first (paragraph under the head "Miscellaneous" oi) the Act °X$$,'{‘l‘§‘}i,_5,8,,m,,d_ entitled ‘ An Act making appropriations for the support of the °°- •Military Academy for the iiisca far ending June 30, 1921, and for other purposes," approved Marc 30, 1920 (Forty-first Statutes at Large, page 548), is amended to read as follows: O tm t cadet in " r ed further, That any cadet now at the academy may, at his Iuub),1920.0 S option exercised prior to Jime 11, 1920, continue at the academy one additional year and postpone thereby his prospective graduation. Tim mmm { Any cadet not electing so to prolong his course shall be graduated e1eai0ii$f¤puoa W in the year assigned his class prior to the passage of this Act, except that any such cadet ma su sequently, at any time not less than three months prior to his prospective graduation in such year, choose ’to reexercise such option for the purpose of so prolonging his course. ’ Approved, February 25, 1922. CHAP. 78.--An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to lease a certain tract of Febgiiisig land to the city of Leavenworth, in the State of Kansas. (Public, No. 156.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives Mike United W States of America in (Jon ess assembledf That the Secretary of War mlm mi" be, an he is hereby, autgbrized to lease to the city of Leavenworth, ,,,§§§‘,,,°{,,,§'·§.S§,{§',‘f,?,"§ a municipal corporation in the State ,of. Kansas, the following-described tract of land in the military reservation at Fort Leavenworth, in the State of Kansas: Desc, t. m Beginning at the northwest corner of the twenty—acre tract of land nr `° formerly in said military reservation granted to the Leavenworth Coal Company by the Act of Congress approved July 20, 1868; thence north in extension of the west line of said twenty-acre tract five hundred feet; thence east parallel to the north line of said twenty-acre tract eight hundred and twenty feet, more or less, to the railroa right of way; thence southerly on the west line of said right of way ve hundred and three feet, more or less, to the north ine of the said twenty·acre tract; thence west on the said north line to the place of beginning, containinv nine and three-fourths acres, more or ess, reserving to the Uniterd States, or assigns, the coal, or royalty for the U_ I "mmw coal, underlying said lands, for the ur osc of constructing and main- ’° ° ` taininv thereon a reservoir and such Olgléf works as may be necessary to enable said city to supply the troops at Fort Leavenworth and its Prom other atrons with pure water: Provided, That the said city shall cmeaicn. have tiiie free and uninterrupted use of said tract of land or the purposes above named, under the direction and control of the Secre- hmmm ,0, tar of War, so long as it is so used, and that when it ceases to occupy massa. andfuse it for such purposes the lease shall be null and void. _ mmm dam That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 25, 1922.