Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/241

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 119. 1921. 213 and to pay the amount assumed therefor from the funds allotted or jtpportgoned under this Act to the State wherein the reservation is ocate . Sec. 4. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish an ac- eS;§{f,§;’g‘,§d‘{’g ‘“"‘Si°" counting division which shal devise and install a proper method of keeping the accounts. _ _ S M Am md Sno: 5. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized eomugmuuu limeriand directed to transfer to the Secretary of Agriculture, upon his °"»°*°··“““‘°"°‘*· request, all war material, equipment, an supplies now or hereafter declared surplus from stock now on hand and not needed for the purposes of the War Dclpartment but suitable for use the improve- Distribution for ment of highways, an that the same shall be distributed among S‘“‘°“*· the highway departments of the several States to be used in the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of highways, such distribution to be upon the same basis as that hereinafter provided pmuo. _ for in this Act in the distribution of Federal-aid fund: romded, ,,§f,‘;g§,g°°{§f ”°* That the Secretary of Agriculture, in his discretion, may reserve ' from such distribution not to exceed 10 per centum of such material, equipment, and supplies for use in the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance o national forest roads or other roads constructed, reconstructed, or maintained under his direct siipervision. Ihtmhm, highway, SEQ, 6. That in approving projects to receive ederal a1d_ under the Wgriygénce to my provisions of this Act the Secretary of Agriculture shall give prefer- ectsior ¤¤¤¤e¤ced,e¤>. ence to such projects as will expedite the completion of an adequate and connected system of highways, interstate m character. Mileage to be desi? Before any projects are approved in any State, such State, through nated by sam. its State highway department, shall select or dxgnate a system of highways not to exceed 7 per centum of the to highway mileage of such State as shown by the records of the State highway department at the time of the passrgge of this Act. Fhdhhhl hh; th,,,,,,,,_ gpon this system all Fede _ -a1d apportionments expended. mmm mm { _ ighways which may receive Federal a1d_shall be divided into two whyh °“ ° *“*"' classes, one of which shall be known as primary or interstate highways, and shall not exceed three—sevenths of the total mileage which may receive Federal aid, and the other which shall connect or correlate therewith and be known as secondary or mtercounty highways, and shglll qcnsist of the remainder of the mileage which may rece1ve Feder 8*1 ° . . A v , v., The Secretary of Agriculture shall have authority to approve m systgiiiii M °t °f whole or in part the systems as designated or to requu‘e mo ificatnons ,,m,_m_ or revisions thereof: Prmnkled, That the States shall subm1t_to the Proposed revisions. Secretary of Agriculture for his approval any prqposed revisions of the designated systems of highways above prov1de_ for. lumimim mm, m_ Not more than 60 er centum of all Federal axd allotted to any ge system provided State shall be expendied upon the primary or interstate highways ‘ until provision has been made_for the improvement of the entire PWM system of such highways: Provided, 'I`hat with the alpproval of any mggdgghxiygh ,,,,_ State highway department the Secretary of Agric ture may ap- - prove the expenditure of more than 60 per centum of the Federal aid apporgcgied to such State upon the PI'1IIl8I‘y or interstate highways lll SUC l3H.l38. · _ Approval pt rior The Secretary of Agriculture may acprove projects submitted by 1>r¤i¢¤t¤1>ermme<ii the State highway departments prior to e selection, designation, and a roval of the system of ederal-aid highways here1cvlp1rov1ded for ifphe may reasonably anticipate that such projects become a rt of such s stem. · - paVVhenever riiovision has been made by any State for the comple- ;m tion and maintenance of a system of ajmmary or interstate and sec- ,,,,p,,,,,e,,,,,,,,m,,d ondary or intercounty highways equ to_ 71per centum of the total wrmileage of such State, as requued by this ct, said State} through its State highway department, by and with the approval o the Seo-