Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/239

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 117, 118. 1921. 211

. 117.-Joint Resolution To declare November 11, 1921, a legal public  

Whereas Armistice Day, November 11, 1921, has been designated as ·I'}{f,‘§’,,f§{° D°Y· *92*- the apprpppriate time for the ceremonies incident to the burial of °` the un own and unidentified American soldier in the Arlington National Cemetery; and Whereas this unknown soldier represents the manhood of America. who gave their lives to defend its integrity, honor, and tranquillrty against an enem ; and Whereas the nations ol the earth are on that date joining with the United States in paying respect and homage to this imknown gpldii2ré;zTvl!;er;alfo1‘ge e it mz H . esov the emrte a ouse of Re resentatives of the United - ,_ States o;‘Amer1k:a in Congress assembled, Thzsit the President is hereby i¤§r{1l§L:§'btl*({:)1lll°£*l.9e}{ authorized to issue a proclamation declaring November 11, 1921, a i>yiu»*i¥£¤siueiil°° holiday, as a mark of res act to the memory of those who gave their lives in the late World War, as typified by the unknown and uni- Pr¤¢1¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤s,1>·¤· dentified American soldier who is to be buried in Arlin ton National Cemetery on that day; and the President is respectfi§|ly requested ,,,R§§$,'Q‘,‘,§{$,';,d°,f,‘°,‘},§ to recommend to the governors of the various States that proclama— States tions be issued by them calling upon their people to pause in their usual pursuits as a mark of respect on this solemn occasion. Approved, November 4, 1921. CHAP. 118.-An Act Granting permission to the city of Plainfield, New Jersey, to N°v?silb;§bgI]19m' widen Watchung Avenue in front of the Federal post-office building, and for other Pm'P°$°s· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re entatives of the United rmnnem 151. 1. States of Amerika in Congress assembled, Tgsrilssthe Secretary of the ,,,§“s§§§‘¥g{,",‘},‘3,f,‘g;§“{’g Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to convey city. mi meet purby quitclaim deed to the city of Plainfield, New Jersey, for street p°°°°°` purploses, and for no other purpose, all the right, title, and interest of the United States of America in and to all or avr? lesser part of a strip of land off the west side and along the atchung Avenue frontage of the Federal building site in said city ten feet in width, except opposite the entrance steps of the Federal building, where such stri shall be approximately three feet nine inches in width; R Od H bum and the Slecretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed 1¤g,°§l°¤. ° °g to remodel, alter, and repair, and do such other work upon said Federal building, grounds, and approaches as may be necessary, in his opinion, for the accommodation and convenience of the business of the United States on account of the widening of said Watchung rvmm. _ Avenue: Provided, however, That the said cig of Plainfield, as a c,g‘{""‘°"°*‘°"’ "’ consideration for such conveyance, shall bear e costs of all of sand work upon said Federal building, grounds, and approaches as ascertained b the Secretary of the Treasury: And promded further, That the said, cit of Plainfield shall not have the right to sell or U=‘°’°“'*°'°°·’- convey the said Iescribed premises, r¤or_to devote_the same to any _ other pur than as herembefore provided; and in the event said R°"°”·‘°“»°"· premises shall not be used for street purposes only and cared for and maintained as are other public streets in said city the right, title, and interest hereby authorired to be conveyed shall revert to the United States. Approved. November 5, 1921.