Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/229

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 91,92. 1921. 201 tenant directly, and if such return is made within such period the owner shall not become liable imder the provisions of section 112 of this Act. An owner who has obtained a judgment against a tenant }({’,},;,{;,},’g§g§,,,,,,,d for, or which includes, such rent or charge in excess of the amount '°¥ °¤¤°S$ of demfixed in such a determination of the commission shall move to vacate xléiimnmto be VB. such judgment to the amount of such excess, within sixty days after _ this section takes effect. In case such motion is not made and such ,,§§u{?dv`§g‘l§i ';`,1§{ owner does not exercise reasonable diligence to have such `udgment m°°°- i vagatedé such judgment, to the amount of such excess, shrill be null an voi . "SEc. 124. (a) Any violation of this Act or of any order of the mI{§,‘{Z°°§?°']ft€,{,Ki,°; commission, committed before the termination of this Act may, after l‘j1§;*s*;{,*;‘*,f,l;j“,{’_f,°‘{g¤· such termination, be prosecuted by and in the name of the Attorney mmm;. r` General in lieu of the commission in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been terminated. _ _ " (b) In the case of (1) any proceeding begun under the provisions .,.,g§§:§’f,1§,l’§i’§§£,Y,L?Q of section 114 before the termination of this Act, or (2) any proceed- Aj,E:;mi”5gf°S- ing on appeal from a determination of the commission be un before ’p` ` the termination of this Act, such proceedin may, after such termination, be continued in the same manner with the same effect as if this Act had not been terminated, and all powers and duties in res act to such proceedin vested in the comrmssion by this Act shall For the purposes of suc? proceedings be vested in the Attorney General. " (c) Any right or obligation based upon any provision of this Act Em°r°°m°°t' or ulpon any order of the commission, accrued prior to the termination of t iis Act may, after the termination of this Act, be enforced in the same maginer and with the same effect as if this Act had not been terminat . " (d) The Attorney General may, after the termination of this Act, ‘m°"‘°" appoint the attomey last appointed by the commission under the Am P mo provisions of section 103 to assist in the enforcement of this Act. ` ` Such attorney shall continue to receive compensation for such services at the rate of $5,000 per annum, payable monthly/’ §;';é§;:5;;m as to Sec. 5. That the provisions of this Act, except section 2, shall exempted muiamgs. take effect upon the enactment of the Act. Section 2 shall take effect on and after October 22, 1921. Approved, August 24, 1921. CHAP. 92.·——An Act To Amend the Act entitled "An Act to establish standard weigits and measures for the District of Columbia; to define the duties of the superin- [Public, No. 72.] tendent of weights, measures, and markets of the District of Columbia; and for other purpose-s," approved March 3, 1921. Be it enacted bi the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United . . 0 C . States of Amerie; in C0 ess assembled? That the Act entitled "An ti¥;i$Tei,f:l¤iiiii¤ui); Act to establish standaiidrweights and measures for the District of ° °"s “‘ " s' Columbia; to define the duties of the sugéerintendent of weights, measures, and markets of the District of olumbia; and for other \·0,_4,_p_,220,me¤d_ purposes," approved March 3, 1921, be, and the same is hereby, edamended by striking out section 13 and mserting the following m lieu thereof : "Sec. 13. That the standard loaf of bread manufactured for sale, gfgddgrdmtadoptr sold, offered, or exposed for sale in the District of Columbia shall ed. weigh one ound avoirdupois, but bread_may also be manufactured for sale, solil, offered, or exposed for sale in loaves of onehalf pound, 0,,., ({,,,,,,,.1 ,,,,6 , one pound and a half, or multiples of one pound, but_shall not be *¤¤”¤d °d- manufactured for sale, sold, offered, or exposed for sale in other than Laws maint the aforesaid weights. Every loaf of bread manufactured for sale, sold, offered, or exposed for sale m the District of Columbia shall