Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/225

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 89. 1921. 197 For proving ground facilities, $175.05. For increase of compensation, rivers and harbors, $83.81. For headstones for graves of soldiers, $20.50. $5l5`o21Li disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, and civil employees, For National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Western Branch, $2.50. $51gor contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office, Nm, D°p"tm°°°‘ . 5. For contingent expenses, Navy Department, $5. For increase of compensation, Naval Establishment, $16.88. For pay, miscellaneous, $705.38. For aviation, Nav , $2,065.79. For pay, Marine Cldr s, $3,603.95. For maintenance, &uartermaster’s Department, Marine Corps, $3,*262.35. For contingent, Marine Corps, $2,263.30. For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $2,886.30. For outfits on iirst enlistment, Bureau of Navigation, $424.44. For organizing the Naval Reserve Force, $86.55. For instruments and supplies, Bureau of Navigation, $25. For contingent, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $899.24. For pay of the Navy, $19,963.42. For rovisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $414.23 For ilreight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $96,355.90. For fuel and trans ortation, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $54. For engineering, Igureau of Engineering, $1,383.08. In _ For equipment and operation, building for Interior Department www D°p°"' oflices, $12.50. — For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, $3.45. For scientific library, Patent Omce, $22.05. For medical relief m Alaska, $833.33. For contingent expenses of land offices, $72.05. For salaries, offices of surveyors general, $272.48. For contingent ex enses, offices of surve ors general, $10. For protecting public lands, timber, andy so forth, $21.77. For surveying the public lands, $776.57. For general expenses, Bureau of Mines, $3.66. For testing fue , Bureau of Mines, 62 cents. For investigating mine accidents, $22.17. For Geological urvey, $1.93. For Army pensions, $96. _ For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases I¤¢i¤¤ wwwamong Indians, $47.90. For industrial work and care of timber, $27.50. For Indian school and agency buildings, $12.75. _ For purchase and transportation of ndian supplies, $265.03. For telegraphing and te ephoning, Indian Service, $6.71. For telegraphing and telephoning, Indian Service, 1920, $34.62. For ins ectors, ndian Service, $12.85. For Indian school, Fort Mojave, Arizona, $17.82. For Indian school, Lawrence, Kansas, $114.29. For Indian school, Genoa, Nebraska, $44.55. _ For Indian school, Wahpeton, North Dakota, repairs and improvements, 1920, $10.60. _ _ For support of Yankton Sioux, South Dakota, 1920, $122.80. For education, Sioux Nation, South Dakota, 10 cents. For support of Indians in Utah, $41.14. _ For su ort of Indians of Colville and other agencies and Joseph’s Band of Rez Perces, Washington, 91 cents.