Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/220

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192 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sues. I. Cns. 88,89. 1921. w*""?‘*°"°°"*· Sec. 2. That all furniture, file cases, thewriters, and other office Furniture, •tc. yp Emrmwwwmwi appliances in use by the War Trade Section of the Department of °°"m°"°` State ;)l:hM;{°28, 19%, shall be transferred to and become the property 0 e aa1u·y epartment. _ Approved, August 24, 1921. "‘§€'°?"'°?” may .. u.i¤·.., · · e a· · · ·rmw——' J 83%.1 t,.,..,.r.&$.‘Z‘r..’5‘i..%$‘c.i year .,..3l’.¥§°}t’?.’2“3%Y“iJ?z,"££l‘1£» We a§...§.£3}°‘°° “‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

im°i°° States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are

appropriated, out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise alpropriated, tdsupply urgent dseiiciencies in appropriations for the gscal year ending une 30, 1922, and for other purposes, namely: mmawcmmus. . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Oourtsandprisons. l COURTS AND PRIBONB. ,,,,,“,,"°',,,,,,,,,,"““°‘?,§" °" Miscellaneous expenses: For such miscellaneous expenses as may •¤<1¤¤i=r¢ ¤¤ ¤1>1>¤T¤ln l§sauthor·i;.eg0  %*§rney0(?;neral foii the Supgemge Court of th; ° trict ia its cers, inc e urmshmg` an collecting of evidence where the United Statesls or may be a party in interest, including also such expenses other than fortgersonal sgrvicesalas ngasy be aigtlégizei by {gel} Attorney General for e court 0 a e s, tricto um ia, year 1921, $5,500. p,}{“‘",,§,§,{,"{;§_"““ Silzllty per centum of the foregoing sum for'the District of Columbia shall be paid outfoghthleigcevenucs fo 1th%Dits6t;iri§t of Columbia and 40 , per centum out 0 e asury o the m tates. Shipping Board. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD.

§Y5et°é§;£ For expenses of the United States Shipping Board Emergency

P°;;;€“· geet Coiépgration for losses due to the maintenance angad operaticrinhoi -"°Z,°,5, ,, an ora "trativep es$48,500,000: , a °‘°]l“u:*lt P me M noprgart of this sum shall be uses for,the payment of claims other Rgmcmm on m_ than lthose resultf1figrg0m'}l1re current matintieilxgance aggliigeratigg of I>|¤!¤¤¤to!attarn . vesse sz Pr u er, at no part o t sum s e us to an ay the compensation of any attome , ar or s ecial, for the United States Shigping Board or the Unit States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet rporation unless the contract of cmp oyment has Pay mmam. been a proved by the Attorney General of the United States: Promded urther, That not more than six officers or employees of the United States Shigping Board or the United States S Qpping Board Empmgmm 0, cm Emergency Fleet rporation $1}):111 be paid an anggal s th;ry or comaesa uc mms- pensation in excess 0 $11,000: rq·mded' further, at ro ri- °°”'°g?’m°"°°' ation shall plot be available fog the payment pif certified psiiilllicgziccoimtants, their agents, or cmp oyees, except t cse now cmp oye in making an audit and takmg` an invento of stock and after the completion of such audit an inventory all auditixzg hf_ every nature Sumtom sm a,_ requiring the services of outside auditors shall be urmshed through 1¤w¤¤¤¤- the Bureau of Efficiency: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be_ used for actual expenses of subsistence exceeding $5 a day or per diem m lieu of subsistence QXC§0(I11§0$4 for any officer or employee of the United States Shqgnng ard or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet orporation. . snunepezmme. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. m§,?§’,;•g_,9'g§,g;*_“m· Conference on the Subject of the Limitation of Armanient: To cn- Mlexvenses- able the United States Government suitably to participate m the ‘*”"'°‘ m' Conference on the Subject of the Limitation of Armament to be held