Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/202

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174 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 76,77. 1921. $?“ ·'““ “l°“d ortions of sections one, two, eleven, and twelve of township thirty- girihntgeg Eve north, of range three west of the Willamette meridian, being a Ji;. °g S ° l°“' military reservation at San_Jnan Island, in the county of Juan, State of Washington, containing) about four hundred and eighty-four acres, be, and the same are here dy, granted, subject to the con_ tions and reversion hereinafter provided for, to the State of Washington for the use of the University of Washington, for the purpose of a e,&°;fmm°°t °s° r°` biolo 'cal station and for general univers1ty research pmposes; subject, giowever, to the right of the United States to at any and all time and in any manner assume control of, hold, use, and occupy without license, consent, or leave from said State or univers1ty any or all of said land for any and all military, naval, or lighthouse lpurposes, freed from any conveyances, charges, encumbrances, or `ens made, created, permitted, or sanctioned thereon by said State or

tye,St,,w, university: Promdcd, That the United States shall not be or become

°°°· liable for any damages or compensation whatever to the said State of Washington or the Universgy of Washington for any future use by the Government of any or of the above-described and for ang m§:'°*=*¤¤ W ¤°¤· 0 the above-mentioned p1u·poses: Provided Bfurther, That if said lan ' sha.ll not be used for the purposes hereina ove mentioned the same or such parts thereof not so used shall revert to the United States. Approved, August 23, 1921. A“*““ 23*1921* CHAP. 77.-Joint Resolution Grantin consent of Congrem to an agreement or

 compact entered into between the State of New York and the State of New Jersey for

the creation of the Port of New York District and the wtablishment of the Port of New York Authority for the comprehensive development of the port of New York. A,fg‘m§'_N°w Y°’k Whereas commissioners duly appointed on the part of the State of Preamgle New York and commissioners duly appointed on the art of the P°·”»¥’·m· State of New Jersey for the creation of the Port of glow York District and the establishment of the Port of New York Authorit for the comprehensive development of the port of New Ybrk, pursuant to cha ter 154, Laws of New York, 1921, and chapter 151, Laws of Niew Jersey, 1921, have executed certain articles, which are contained in the followin , namel : Whereas in the year 1834 the States of Igew Yorli, and New Jersey did enter into an agreement fixing and determining the rights and obligations of the two States in and about the waters between the two States, es ecially in and about the bay of New York and the Hudson lgiver; and Whereas since that time the commerce of the port of New York has greatly developed and increased and the territory in glnsd aiéounddthe port has become commercially one center or tric ; an Whereas it is confidently believed that a better coordination of the terminal, transportation, and other facilities of commerce in, about, and through the Nport of New York will result in goat economies, benefiting the ation as well as the States of ew York and New Jersey; and Whereas the future development of such terminal, transportation, and other facilities of commerce will require the expenditure of lt1l§0 sums of mone and the cordial cooperation of the States of ew York and Nibw Jersey in the encouragement of the mvestment of capital and in the formulation and execution of the necessary physical plans; and Whereas suc result can best be accomplished through the cooperation of the two States by and through a joint or common agency: Now, therefore,