Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/20

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xxii LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pace. gpg] ' Act 1923. An A t Mal¤n' g appro xiations to supply deficiencies Appr 111 s:;r•? ug6 the iiscaj year ending ftme 30, 1922, angprior Escal years, and for other 1048 111110666- 22, 1922 -----···----·-··-·-····-·-----···---· ;-_ -··-- _ ···--· _ ---- _ Platte giver NCbT.?ci1?T*é(; project. Joint Resolution Providing for an addmoual mvestngatmn of the tri-county irrigation rojzoct, Nebraska. September 22, 1922 -.-- 2 ···----·... _ ---.·.- 1 057 Kama: and Miasmzri, compact gr amaa Guy, Kam. and yo., waterworka. [omt Resolutmn P1·0- viding for the consent of the Congrem of the the United States of hmeuca. @0 a. compact gud agreement between the State of Kansas and the State of respectnpg the erectnoxti maintenance, and operation of the waterworks plants of the C1$16S.0fKADB88 Q1ty{, Kansas, 0:1:1 Kansas City, Missouri; the taxation thereogzgud exercise of emment domam m comecuon therewith b each State- September 22, 1 ... _ .. ,-_ .. 1058 Congresmbml empiyees, Se tember, 1922, salanes. Jumt Resoluuou Authonzing payment of the salaries of officers udp employees of Congress for September, 1922, on the twenty-th.u·d day of said mom‘·h· September 22, 1922 . . -- . --..-..--.--.--.·.·.. 1059 · STATUTE III.-1922. A nhhbm pmses Congress, tc. An Act To rovide for certain expenses incident to Ppmghe thireisgsion of ge Sixasevguth Gongreq. Ngvember 28, 1922 . _ .. I . . . 1061 Preaquz Isle, Erie Pa. An Act _ nveyjng the pemnsula of Presque Isle, Ene Peunsylvama, to the Sato of Pennsylvania, 1ts ongmal owner, for public park purposes. November 28, 1922. 1061 STATUTE IV .—1922—1923. ' S preme. Court, J t' Pm? ._ An Act T rmit Mablou Pitney, au Amociate Justice of the u Supreme Couuirtwjf the nited States, so December 11, 1922 . . . _ . 1063 "Brool:lyn," United States cruiser. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in his dmcmetion, to deliver to the custody of the Brookgu museum the silver service which was resented to the cruiser Brooklyn bi: citizenspf rooklyn, New York. December 14, 1922- 1063 Colorago, Carey Act aegregatzim. An Act 0 authonze the Secretary of the Intenor to accept compgeajion of Carey segregation numbered eleven and to mus patent therefor. December 16, 1063 1 , , .,.. . - ... . . .-·· War R‘;;l;hIr•%¤·ancg il: subdivision (5) of section 302 1064 o or Rmk munmce . Decom r , .. . . Congre¤w1•a’ I salaries December, 1922. Joint Resolution Author1zmg' payment of the salaries of the ogcers uma fcmyigwyeéegzof Congreu for December, 1922, on the twentieth day of that 1064 , 1 . . . . Ckula]:3?0hio, marine hgspiml. An Act To amend an Act entitled "Au Act authorizhxlg the sale of the marineh ita.1 reservation in Cleveland, 0l1io," approved July 26, 1916. ecember 20 1922 up 1064 75·advng' igpcrg ``'`` ‘1?6`&»§12»Hd Lééiiéxi 5 {Ii ii]? ams ```'` I18·";;iiif1.‘£]ié•E&l 1065 om . , . .. - - . . . . Atlanta, (L., pmitenbimy land. An Act To authorize the Attorney General to couve certain 143% o{I Sta¤eswto_FultonDCoun% to wnden McDonough Rom; in front 1065 e m ta pem u . ecem . . . Immapgatsbn, t¢mpor¢:¥ Soint Resolution %1‘o permit to remain within the United States certain ieus admitted temggsrily under bond in excess of quotas fixed under authority of the Immigration Act of y 19, 1921. December 27, 1922 . ... 1065 Collision cbima, Navy. An Act To amend the Act auth ‘ the Secretary of the Navy to settle gg gcgzgamageq to private property arising from colgsions with naval vessels. Decem- , .. . 1066 Damage; claims, private property. An Act T rovide a. m thod for th ttl me t f lauing arising gainptbthezgovergment of the Unite; gtstes in suis not excegdggg :1,0% ig guy one case. ecem er , 192 ... . ..., , _,____,____ 1066 Naziongl m, yearly I15ep0rtai)eA.2xg To amend section 5211 of the Revised Statutes of the m tates. ecem r , . ... . ...,,_,____,____ 1067 Public knds, {_>referemm for World War acrmbe. Joint Resolution Extending the provisions of the Act of ebruary 25, 1919, allowing credit for military service during the war with Germany iuhomestead entries, end of Public Resolution Numbered 29, approved February 14, 1920, allowing A Kreferred nght of entry for at least sixty days after the date of opening in c0u— neggiglxi eguds opegeci or tr§st%1éedl§0v§n¤y,I§0 citigenszof the United States who served vn e armnes uring e or ar. ec r S, 1922 . ..,... 1067 Apprcgriahbm Deparmmm of State and Jusulz, and ihe Jaz? F . A11 Act Making appropriations or e epartmen 0 an ce an or e HKCIBXY or the fisca vear eudmg' Juu;h30D19°4 and gr ;t§1t;t; Junuaryd f 3 t§1923J _ · f h I 1068 Appropnhtionr, Trcirsuri; Departmgmt. An Act M8k111g’ ment fp1·_the fima year euding Jpne 30, 1924, and for other purposes. January 3, 1923 1087 Customs syutux. An Aet To consolidate the work of collectirii, compiling, and ublishing §t.at1sucs5of19tg§ fof€1gH commerce of the United States in e Department of §>mmerce.

 1 ·--· ---·-----·—· ·· --·—·- - ··--·- · --·-·. ·:- ... . .. . ..,. , ..,,.. 1109

Appmggmtzmw, Departments of Commerce and Labor. All Act Making appropriations for the epartments of Commerce and Labor for the Escal year ending June 30, 1924, and for other gurpogeg, Jauugyy 5, 1923, ____ l, _ _· ____,,,___,____ __ _ : ______ I __,,___, , ,.,,,,,.,__,_,, , ___, 1110 Coast wzrdgerwnruzl. An Act To dxstnbute the commmmmned lme and engineer officers of the Cotst Hard 111 grades, and for other purposes. January 12, 1923 _________________________ Ugg