Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/171

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SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 47-49. 1921. 143 equal annual installments, with interest at 5 per centum per annum, payable annually, as the purchaser may elect, and with the option in the purchaser, his heirs and assigns, to pay the remaining installments on any date when installment becomes due. Sec. 3. That if any tract of the lands described in section 1 hereof c,,£§§‘S,,, §§*,,,,,,f“,§§ be not purchased by the lessee or sublessee, his heirs or assigns, as vubucsslsprovided in section 2 of this Act, within ninety days after the same ecomes subject to purchase under the provisions of this Act, then and in that event the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to dispose of the remaining lands under the provisions of the Act of v°1‘z;’ P‘ m' _ Congress of July 5, 1884, entitled "An Act to provide for the disposal ;,,§s°‘l§‘§.’v{‘,{,S§.{,,‘L‘§’,_]d° of abandoned and useless military reservations," and the said lessees, sublessees, heirs or assigns, who do not (purchase such tracts shall have the privilege within a eriod to be Exe by the Secretary of removing from their tracts any placed thereon, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to reappraise any imsold tracts from time totime beforeoiferin thesameforsaleundersaidAct of July 5, 1884. Sec. 4. That the Secretziy of the Interior in makintg the survey ug§$0$,§Xf,f{$w{,°,E provided for by this Act sh ascertain what part of said lands, if any, mssare needed for lighthouse or roadway (purposes, and any lands needed for such purposes shall be segregate or reserved for such use, and the lands so segregated or reserved shall not be subject to disposal hereimder. Approved, July 15, 1921. cnn. 4s.-an Aa Gaming certain pubnc imag to as city et mmm, mom, {§‘?;§%}2”¥§· for municipal purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House aj Re esentatives of the United States of America in Uorgress asse , Tlizlt the south half of the §';§*§°}g§,d§;hmk northwest quarter and e north half of the southwest quarter of Am., rm municipal section twenty-three, townshi one north, range two east, Gila and p°”’°°°S‘ Salt River meridian, Arizona, be, and the same is hereby, granted to the city of Phoenix, Arizona, for municipal pu oses, upon condition that the said city shall make payment for sulch land at the rate of P¤y¤¤¤¤¢- $1.25 per acre to the receiver of the United States land office at Phoenix, Arizona, within sixty days after the a proval of this Act: Provided, That there shaH be reserved to the `liinited States all oil QQ,'f,’{{· M dg coal, or other mineral deposits found at any time in the land, and p¤¤i¤r¤¤&v•·i· ' the rirghlt to lprospect for, mine, and remove the same: Provided further, at the grant herein is made subject to any valid existing ¤,§f,§°"' °‘ “’° °‘ easements on said land and upon the express condition that withm thirty days of the receipt of an request therefor from the Secretary _ of the Interior the mayor of said city shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior a re ort as to the use of the land herein granted during Fmmtm on nw the period named) in such request, and that in the event of his failure compliance wm. to so report, or if it is shown in such a report or if the Secretary shall °°'“"· otherwise determine that the terms of this grant have not been com— plied with, the ant shall be held forfeited, and the Attorney General of the United States shall institute suit in the proper court for the recovery of said lands. _ Approved, July 15, 1921. CHAP. 49.-—An Act To authorize the construction of a dam across Wabash River at Hlmtingmu, hdi,,_m_ [mum, Nc. si.; Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of Amerieiil in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress w‘°“1‘ Rm"