Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1676

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lxxxvi INDEX. Dheasu, Animal, Pose- District Attorneys, United States C0urt.s~— Page. appropriation for preventing spread of- 511, 1296 Contmued. or investigating, etc 511, 1296 deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc. . 58, for investigations of tuberculosis, etc- 511, 1296 194, 199, 333, 1054, 1158, 1542 for eradicating foot·and-mouth and other for special assistants to ..., , , 443 contagious diseases. 536, 1318 salaries of, to be fixed by Attorney General, 1550 for suppressing, among live stock of In- rates authorized; based upon business of _ .. . . 565,1186 { lprevnguséour yhears _,,___ _ _ _ 1560 , ontagwwr, or w dist t, Ill' ' appropriation for preventing spread of, in n$>rthe:1: and nlgistriciznodi _ mterstate traffic 380, 1102 Columbia fixed 1561 Diseases, Qovgtagwus, D. C.,_ modification allowed; restricted to once aipgroprration for preventing spread of. . _ 694, 1351 Dk _ Zur yegrsé . 1561 e crency appropriation or preventing trust ui ing, . ., _ spread o . 31 appropriation for salaries, care of ... 672, 1328 "D1seaaea of §'attk," _ _ _ employment of additional engineers or appropunajuogi for publication, etc., of; dis- 1316 f fgvsitchrnerhgfbidden. . 672, 1328 _ H on ··.- - -·--·---·------. or e , mrsce eous sup ies, etc . 678 1335 Diseases of Han, tc. D·L¢tnbtO IZ ganama , appropriation fin investigating, etc 380, 1102 Xtdygéicgzdlmerftsg M Caml

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p na 9 orpu . 0; appropriation orjudges ... 614,1081 sm- · ,·a$?.§§“°m”··v.·v ····· I ···· I ······· 13*** ’°"°’“" ······ §%§·i3§i D3 !1; for maintenance . 694,1352 deficielrrdcg arglropdadon--ior of , . , , I .6.0 . _ , _ , , _ _ _ _ • appropriation foralzlnglon, Igsw York, Sac: established in Hawau...€ .. Iig Francisco, ew eans . 1070 original °m-jsd° ° ‘ admjml payment of rent for, allowed from appropri~2, gn; ty md 634

 §>;22•=¤¤¢i¤se¤t expenses, mis- 35 compensation Snr injurieg t£»°6£1%é§ 

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. . · s, e .. . .,,,,_,,,, _ rates, if d1verted¤t?lo_beverage uses. . 285 exclusive when conferred bysuchlaws- 634 rennportation permitted m ongmal pack· seizures, prizes, and rize condemnation , P ggesofé expo1£;:1hfree of tax, mwarrde- proceedings .. 634 ouse vg orrgmalyremo 223 not xte ded ‘ jun' 'ss N": -°` N`; removal of, authorized from one warehouse iatidin for, (i>t;·’S1{actgm§:cu gp snsshss- fgixbotthng in bond, bs. rsws ,__________ ’ ’ " 635 mepa . 375,1096 t' f' tax s¤&»;¥ts:’s;“5i:spss,tsr, losit by ’ $si3‘é,°.;éi?,°§$"2';‘.?c*§s2i0ss OEEQJE , ., trans; ora adisuigewrylérwithout negligence, etc., of 223 in for 389 asswss ‘‘‘‘=‘‘‘ a;.;‘s;t;.;;: ss $’ °‘ ‘“‘°° P’°*’°"“’ °““*°"‘““* ss ap lea sto dor ]a]°m.______________ ' •-'•--~··-st•-¤·c•kya~--·rd-·s·-·’--.2-,.- _ slccsiol nit adected .. . . . gg m if. mguhmom, 166 additidnal special tax ss business ss, where mA;}1if°i(ii°g Mm °f S°°'°°”y °f A forbi den by State, etc hwg 296 to cu wc, °tc°°`°"°`° `°`°°`` "` 167 no exemption from penaltieri, etc.: I 296 ”:£uIl;2?mmmy under Revenue Act

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mss Emm soldier to it b ss dm°'”‘l ‘° °°*°’ '°'”°‘*‘°° ···-·-·-·· 311 , in Arlington Mammal Amehirtangp concurrent with Court of Claims for _ ,,,3 V, ____________________ { ______ m :v•¤>v¢¤* of emeeedy eeueeted pmmbment for unauthorized wearing, mbpoenasmig: etcqgycoyfgdio 311 _ _ rmnufacturs, or sale of ,,..,,,,,,__ 1236 0, · · m an |)"gmy“{gwd 8,,,,m-u lbdd _ P _ GI ,,__,_,_, _? __,,,,,. . 848 pnmnshmsnt in: ssss¢ri¢§iis”:i' wearing m cltglusmdwdtid mtbyxo miles; ex. 848 , , mmuhcmre, ss-1ssr..., I 1286 toauist Re s mm,·,,{” "'i°”‘,,,c,"‘,‘,‘ ”“°"“"$’.*‘;.."°?"".., s...,.,,,.,,"”“’*§"°·’°"°*·”·¤°*# i¤,ss¥}s% ‘I?:?;?;i¥’TR I as appropriatinufsgopgraglng www °_ ¤1{1¢¤‘ itation arrests ' Dmgd Aqohwyly U¤i“dS . 1112 to bedisu-ict isi-tris} in asglther 849 ¤PP¤>P¤¤·*i°? fw ¤¤l¤¤’i¤¤¤¤<i 616, 1083 ag?£§ipnhdsm“ which defend- 849 pymen to . . . ·• 1 -... vggucja ________ _ _____ *?m1¤g616, 1083 b°tY°‘%" °’m?¤¤ of di$¢1'¤¤¢ $*8*66 i¤ $tab[jShedf°rHawaii_;__·_-U-·:' 616 d·mtn9t°f°ith¢! --·--··- · ·······~ · 849 A¤9msyg,,mm1;P,y,uuictim_ cm, 1083 ant, or one of defendants, or where f<¤ to . . ,, _ 616, IQS3 mu°°:, °m°°‘ 1 °‘’‘’‘’ ’°°' p!¤hib@;_,______________ P"')? In |.nyd1stnct' -... _ _ · as °&d§V¢ ellly iu: three years . 849