Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/161

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srxrr-snvnivrn conennss. sm. 1. cH. 44. 1921. 133 meats and meat-food products for the Navy De artment: Provided, P’°"*‘€°· _ 'll hat the sum to be paid out of this aipproplriatgm, under the direc- i¤¤iiimmml' etc" Sm tion of the Secretary of the Navy, or c emists and for cler1cal, inspection, and messenger service in the supply and accounting dgpartments of the navy yards and naval stations and d1sburs1n¤· o ces for the %scal year ending June 30, 1922, shall not exceed $3,500 000; in a $9,000,000. _ Thejclothinv arid srnall—stores fund shall be charged with the value Stgg°1?§,€;_a“d me of all issues of clothing and small stores made to enlisted men and .°“““s °“ Em °“‘ apprentice seamen re¢}uired as outfits on first enlistment, not to iiiiiii§i’°t°"°harg°d exceed $100 each, and or civilian clothing not to exceed $15 per man. to men given discharge for bad conduct, or undesirability, or inapti- U _, t t ipde, and the uniform gratuity paid to officers of the Naval Reserve m°"” gm m y' orce. · D ‘ Famcirr, BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND Accomrrs; All freight and miiiniirirhiéigipmme t express charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus, except the transportation of coal for the Bureau of Supphes and Accounts $4,000,000. · , FUEL Arm TRANSPORTATION; Coal and other fuel for steamers’ e¤iiuB1’mnSp°n°u°n and ships’ use, including expenses of transportation, storage, and handlirég the same; maintenance and general operation of machinery of nav fuel depots and fuel plants; water for all lpurposes on board naval vessels; and ice for the cooling of water, me uding the explepse P,,,,,,_,_,_ of transportation and storage of both, $17,500,000; Promded, at Mléigng ml in $1,000,000 of this appropriation shall be available for use, in the ' discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, in coal or contracting for the same in Alaska, the transportation o the same and the constiructiopu of tical bupkers dantld tg; neeessagyhdolcxks for gse an sup yings`ps erew1t·an e retaryo_te avyis erey autiiorized to select from the public coal lands in Alaska such areas as may be necessary for use by him for the purposes stated herein. BUREAU or coNsraUc·rroN Ann REPAIR. tsiiiliiniiiuniiiiiiu. °` CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR or vEssELs: For preservation and paiifgiirtiiiiigimdw completion of vessels on tihgusgocks and in ordinary; purchase of · materials and stores of al s; steam steerers, steam capstans steam windlasses, and all other auxiliaries; labor in navy {yards and on foreign stations; piurchase of · machinery and tools or use in shops; carrying on wor of experimental model tank and wmd tunnel; designing nava vessels; construction and repair of yard craft, lighters, and barges; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat; gener care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and refpaxr; incglental liaxbppnses for vgesseilss and fnavymylards, ng ppg, suc as o graphing, oo ro essio m a , _ - tionery, eihd instruments for driaging room, andafor pai of classified Eqmmmtmpm force under the bureau; for hemp, wire, iron, and other materials for the manufacture of cordage, anchors, cables, galleys, and chains; specifications for purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free competition; canvas for the manufactiue of sa1ls, awn— ings, hammocks, and other work; interior appliances and tools for manufacturing urposes in navy yards and naval stations; and for the purchase ofp all other articles of equipage at home and abroad; and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels therewith and manufacture of such articles in the several navy yards; naval signals _ and apparatus, other than electric, namely, signals, lights, lanterns, running lights, and lamps and their appendages for general use on board ship for illuminating purposes; and oil and candles used m connection therewith; bunf and other materials for making and repairing flags of all kindslgllor all permanent galley fittings and equipage; rugs, carpets, curtains, and hangings on board naval