Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/156

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128 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 44. 1921. for fuel, material, and lnborf to be used in tlfin generahyyorkdof tnse Ordnan D artment· or urniture at nav ‘ ammum ion epo , torpedocgtatilgns, naval ordnance plants, and proving grounds I; for maintenance of proving grounds, powder factory, torpedo stations, gun factory,. ammnmition depots, and naval ordnance plants, and for target practice; for the maintenance, repair, or operation of lnoiisedrawn and motor-propelled freight and passenger carrying ve 10 es, “’ Ti “’°d·°“1’ f°" 3,“Z1:‘.*i“;*‘.m:§ ,'·ff‘..`§.‘?S °'2”§.‘3"‘I.‘3£2{‘ $$3% nav roving im v stationg, andvfrimthe pay of chemists, clerical, idrafting, inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance f,*¤¤*•¤·, ·, ow uw plants, ninlysal ammunition dep3ts: Than nge ssugn in be sm. "' ai ouo a rocaionuner e ec1ono_ e reary gf the Navy for clerical, drafting, inspection, watchmen, and messenger service m navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance plants, and naval ammunition depots for the fiscal year ending June Smmm du 30 1922, shall not exceed $2,000,00(;i‘in all, $14,000,000.

  • ’°" ‘ and manufacture of sm elessFpowder, §200,000. _

E"’°"'“‘°“““ "°'*‘ Exrnnmmrrs, Bunmu or Onnmmcnz or- experimental work m the development of armorepiercing and other projectiles, fuses, powdirséfand high etnlplosives, indconnectionfggith problems of the attac armor wi dim t an · in at various ranges . including the purchase of armor, powder, prpljectiles, and fuses for thd above pnlrposes {and 0; all necessary gateglik and latlif in connection t ;and orot er experiment w `zance o the Bureau of Ordnance, in connection with the devzlo ment of _ P ordnance material for the Navgig250,000. _ ·°°'“““‘°"*‘ Coivrmemrr, Bunnau or _ muws: For miscellaneous items, - namely, cartage, eanpenses of l1 ht and water at ammumtnon depots and stations, tolls, erriage, technical books, and incidental expenses B _ aw for attending inspection of ordnance material, $20,000. _ 3,,,.,,,,, · ·· That no part of the approgaations heretofore, herem, or hereafter mlghvif ¤¤¤r¤§fi§ made for "1ncrease of the avy" under the Bureau of Ordnance Navy, sm., sur, rs. and no part of allotments of appropriations heretofore or hereafter mb °‘· made to said bureau shall be availa le for the payment for services or materials usiled in »the construction og any si op, building, living _ quarters, or other structures, except suc temporary structures costing not in excess of $5,000 each as may be incident to current work S im an I of said bureau, or for additions and betterments to any existing shore `miiicequma. station facilities imless the appro riation shall in terms specificall €,’§,"f'”,,, ,,,0,,,,,, authorize such construction or adiditions and betterments: Provideelj gis ¤¤¢ i¤¢¤rf¤r¢<i That nothing herein shall be constrged as interfering in any way wigh ‘ any existm contract or any wor in pro ess on the ate of the “°“§§ ‘° *’° ““" approval of this Act: Provided further 'Plnrat hereafter no money gi-ideia. which aww appropriated for ordnance or ordnance mhterial or material purchased Ammon 0, mm therewith shall be used for any other purpose than that for which the .m,,t,,,.,m.,.,r,q..;,.,i appropriation was made: Provided furtlwr, That nothing herein shall ”*¤” “°’ P'°"°¤’°°· be copstrueddas preventnngflhe allocation of nirmor, armament, Elmmum non, or nance ma er1 , ui ment, an accesso` t ' according to the requirements oliqthe naval service. mes 0 S PS D2,“,§,€““°‘Y°'d““°d ammo or ranns Ann nocxs. ““‘“‘°“““°°· Marrrrnuaxcn, Bvnmo or Yanns Arm Dooxs: For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely, for books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire engines; fire apparatus and "°"*°‘°’·°°°· plants;_machinery; operation, repair, purchase, maintenanceof homes and driving teams, carts, timber wheels, and all vehicles, including motor-propelled and horse~drawn dpassen§i¢;:·-carrying vehicles to he used on? for 0mCl8.l_ purposes, an mclu g motor-propelled vehicles for reight-carrying purposes only for use in all navy yards and