Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1555

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1528 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 292. 1923. _`;,;¤&**¤g¤*b·gg{°g;'g= On and after March 1, 1923, the salaries of the Assistant , ximaseupay. Doorkeeper and Acting Assistant Doorkeeper shall be at the rate of $4,200 per annum each, and there is hereby appropriated the sum of $1,600 to carry out said purpose.

p*§*;*’- On and after March 1, 1923, the salaries of the two floor assist-

` ants shall be at the rate of $3,600 per annum each, and there is hereby appropriated the sum of $2,933.34 to carry out said purpose. @‘{'q,§'éR°,f,',{,g'g,§; To ay Charles F. Redmond, as compensation for compiling a tion oiirzeatiesmtc- revised) su plement to the compilation entitled “Treaties Conventions, Ilixternational Acts, and Protocols Between the United States and Other Powers," containing such instruments to which the United States has become a party since January 1, 1910, under resolution of the Senate (S. Re . 130, Sixty-seventh Congress, first ¤¤~····=¤~»· S°Sii°”)’$2’50(it cr. ksF f ap 1 · · s,,,._.,· cg, · or a en o . roo ry or expe ersona services in connectibiirgvith the investigation of the fiscal relations of the District of Columbia and the United States and the preparation of the reports relatin thereto, $1,000. 'J;,‘¥"{,,§_·*·*I°“'*’“‘· For payment to §'homas A. Hodgson for exlpert personal services in connection with the investigation of the seal relations of the M E mt District of Columbia and the mted States, $1,000. g,,T,'}_' To pay Alexander K. Meek for extra and expert services rendered to the Committee on Pensions during the third and fourth sessions of the Sixty-seventh Congrem as an assistant clerk to said hu L Bm committee, by detai from the Bureau of Pensions, $1,200. · B,,,,.§,,,,j For payment to Leslie L. Billie for services rendered various comi mittees o the Senate, in addition to his rligglar duties, $900. m“°°'”"""‘ “"'°' $5§`35-0 miscellaneous items, exclusive of r, for fiscal year 1923, S"*'°“°"· Flor stationeriy for Senators, committees, and officers of the Senate Sam Hmm md for fiscal year 923, $5,000. . _ memes. For Ersonal and other services, supplies and equipment for Senate 'tchens and restaurants, to be expended from the contin- _ gent fund of the Senate, under the supervision of the Committee on Rules United States Senate, $7,000. &:{¤¤¢¤ °* °•"' For additional compensation to messenger at card door, $200. mam at puma After Julg 1, 1923, the salary of the laborer in charge of private "§§,°;,,,,,,,,_ ggssage, un er office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the nate, shall be at the rate o $1,100 per annum, and there is hereby appropriated the sum of $200 to carry out such purpose. ,,,§‘f*°°°‘*‘”'°'“"°‘ Bones or REPRESENTATIVES. · I ¤¤·¤¤·¤, E- B"` To pa the widow of Sherman E. Burroughs, late a resenteaaygo tivr; frog ttgle Stase of ge`? Ignmpihire, $7,500. MP · .°'_ o ay e wi ow o . our e Cockran late a Re resentative

wn fro-rm the Sante % Nev; §'ork, $]&500. ’ P

_ o pay wi ow o estor onto a late a Re resentative from xxm aisrsiaa ofhzjew g1e¤1c¥,§z,soo. JS ’ P I., · _ _ o pay wi ow o emjy Z. borne late a Re resentative "°""’°" mm the sms or caiiromia, assoc. ’ P The four foregoing sums sh l be disbursed by the Sergeant at bmw Arms of the House. c¤¤a»¤&ia»¤a¤h¤. Forpayent to John W. Rainey for expenses incurred as con- P°·“‘¤ m e contested-election case of Golombiewski versus Rainey, audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Num- Btm K Km; bemd 2, $2,000, to be disbursed Q the Clerk of the House. ¤¤¤¤$.aq¤a¤¤. Fol‘_p¤ment to Stmley_ H. unz for exlpenses incurred as con- """* xtaee in coréteepted-elaction case of Parri Ip aglgted _ G an one 1 $2,000, to be disburg by the Clerk of the House. ’