Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1473

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1446 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Cr-rs. 247, 248. 1923. March 4. 19%. CHAP. 247.-An Act Authorizing the closing of certain portions of Grant Road in

 the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.

. Be it enacted b the Senate and H ouse of Representatives of the gii¤tTi°i=gi<(i°1i¤`1»Idbm` United State; ofyA·m.erica in Oongresa assembled, That the Com- ..§§°i;i.§°°§1§i{.fig°}°1(is°$i missioners of the District of Columbia be, and the; are hereby °¤P°'°S“°°'»°‘°· authorized to close, vacate, and abandon so much o Grant Road as lies between Reno Road and Connecticut Avenue northwest, upon the acquisition by the District of Columbia by dedication purchase, or condemnation of the land lying within the lines of Davenport Street between Reno Road and Connecticut Avenue and within the lines of Thirty-sixth Street between Davenport Street and Con- Rmmm to ab t_ necticut Avenue, as laid down upon the permanent system of highangmmm. u ways for the District of Columbia, the title to the portion of said Grant Road so closed and abandoned to revert to the abutting ro rt owners. T¤¤**<>*>·¤°*d· P That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and the are hereby, authorized to sell a tract or parcel of land owned gy the District of Columbia, numbered for puriposes of

. assessment and taxation as fparcel forty-six over- twenty: rovided,

That said tract or parcel o land shall not be sold by said commis- 1 mr I sioners at a price less than the amassed value thereof: Provided upnm¤.m¤s,¤w. further, That the money so realized shall be expended in the purchase of a playground or school site. ~ Approved, March 4, 1923. ¤l:S¤P4i°m1?23`] CHAP. 248.-An Act To amend the Act ct Oongres entitled "An Act to establish lP¤¤i¢.N¤·499-I a commission for the purpose of securing information in connection with questions relative to interstate commerce in coal, and for other purposes/’ approved September 22, 1922. . _ Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re eeentatioee o the

F°°°° C"`] United States of!/America in Uongreas aagembzierd, That thefiirst

ed{*·¢¢·P-*°23»¤m°¤<*· paragraph of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to establish a commi ion for the purpose o securing information in connection with questions relative to interstate commerce in coal, and for other purposes? approved September 22, 1922, is amended to read as folows: ,,,,?,§’§f,"g,°‘,§,"Z,.,”°{"Z,§$ “That for the purpose of securing information in connection with g¤¤_*fjJ;Mi¤ i¤°¤”°°*° questions relative to interstate commerce in coal and all questions ` and problems arising out of and connected with the coal industry, there is hereby established a governmental agency to be known and

’°”°*”°’ designated as the United States Coal Commission, to be composed of

not more than seven members appointed by the President of the mlm mma mm United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. outimpairing sam. Judges of courts of the United States shall be eligible for appointment as members of the commission, and the appointment, qualicmgmkm, mm iication, and service of a judce as member shall in nowise affect or bmw- impair his tenure as Igudge. So member of the United States Senate or of the House of epresentatives shall be eligible to serve on said °"¤"“““°"· commission. Said commission shall elect a chairman by majority vote of its members and shall maintain central offices in the District of Columbia, but may whenever it deems it necessary, meet at such — other place as it ma determine. A member of the commission may Sdmes be removed by the Tresident for neglect of duty or malfeasance in ' office but for no other cause. Each member of said commission shall receive a sala of $7,500 a year, except that if a judge of any court of Unitedrgtates serves as a memger of the commission, he shall contmue to receive only his salary as judge, and shall receive no