Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1457

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1430 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Crrs. 186-188. 1923. glarclptikgggi CHAP. 186.-A.n Act InreferencetoanationalmilitaryparkatYorkt¢rw11,Virginia. ml ism U.’i€.?§».”‘§i§6“”fiJ.Z?f»£."’.?’Z·fa”j’..Z”"“”.?£z£$’i—ii°°?€t"”`§* "’°.”“’ mt,-mt; d·,,,_,, 0 z asse a e ecre a •dIii>¤·¤s¢¤&i£l°i1i¤gmil(.;,; of War be, and he is hereby, directed to investigate the feasibility 14% rs'? erm. m establishing a national military park in and about Yorktown, in the State of V1;·g§_ni:,k:or the pgrppsi:1 off commemorating the campaign an siege o o own in the a 0 1781 and the reservaf f said battle Held for historical purposes, and to preparld plans ofcgugh park and_an estimate of the cost of establishing and a uiring the same _ on um and obtain such further information as may enabldxbo ess to act im. M upon_ the matter after being fully advised. To aid him in this undertaking, the Secretary of War is authorized to appoint a commissicin of not to exceed persons, who shall serve without compensa ron or expense to the overnment. sgmmwipmgwmy Src. 2. That the expense of the invenigation herein directed to be made shall be paid from the appropriation “Contin cies of the Army.” gm Approved, March 2, 1923. _ “‘F°".i·‘°”"" cnn. rev.-an aa G · th come cmgw ·

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Hmm Rmb He it enacted by the §'e·nate and House of Representatrives of the c01;n¤dm1j_:_v;r°1;l:ig$ United States of Amerzea m Uongress assembled, That the consent zgm§,’iIg,,`?.,..,“, ,t of Congress IS hereby granted to the Hudson River Bridge Company vu,{h,li,gi, Ft Albany, and its $\}0<>0SS¤I‘S; qlld 8SS1gnS, to maintain and operate, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906, a bridge and approaches thereto already constructed across the Hudson River at Al any, m the county of Albany, in the State of New York, m pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the glegrslzgture the gmt; o§ New York,hen§iItle£0“ AI? Act auigipgizing eco rucionoa rrgeacrosste u n iverat any £§.?.ly’°;£§“.i.?.’r135°’ md’¢1°ilS(i!1aasi:>I'id§ ““‘i “"t"°$£” “}‘%"€° _ cc across B·]1 11 vermte o ew York, in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of said Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "An act to amend the charter of the Hudson River Bridgs Company at Albany," passed May 10, mamma 1869, or any Act or Acts of the said egislature now in force amending ,_$,,·,‘“""*'_ “°” the said Acts, or either of them, which bridges shall be deemed to ¤a.s4,p.s4. have been constructed in accordance with the provision of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approve March 23, 1906.

  • "'°“""‘°‘“• Sec. That t cp right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

express y reserve . Approved, March 2, 1923. [P -E;4£189?}£l Act Granling the consent of to the Valley Transfer · - · it _ pany, a corporation, to construct bri gee and approaches thereto, ?·§!'0¤ zglggwtgnthe Minnesota and Mrmimippr Rivers, at points suitable to the ’ i . Be it enactedb t}zeSnata1•,dH R - ernnesoe s me _ y _ e e ouse of epresentatwes of the semi R,,£‘;_f;;rRm_ Umied States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent gd gggsgpgnnydgwmzg of Congress is hereby granted to the Valley Transfer Railwa§aCom— inaction 0;, P9·Hy,_a corporation organised under the laws of the State of inne— L¤¤¤¤¤- sota, 1ts_successors an assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate three bridges and approaches thereto across the jxmction of the Min-