Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1429

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1402 SIXTIWSEVENTH CONGRESS. sms. Iv. GH. 178. 192:;. P*¤P*¤¤· 1924 $25,000: Promkled, That the Secreta of War is authorized to oniiiilimm of mm secure the assistance, wherever practicalilln, of the United States Geological Survey, the Coast and Qeodetic S\u*vey, or other mapping agencies of the Government in this work and to allot funds therefor to them from this appropriation. U;=;g;;§dm' snaooasr nnmusas. unrrmo srxrrs. m°“$’°”°‘ For the preparation of plans for fortifications and other work of defense, $10,000. t,§l§§f“dm°"“°b°° For construction of gun and mortar batteries, $57,000. ,,,{,“,§°,§,‘§’;S“‘g‘§c_°’ °’°‘* For the installation and replacement of electric light and power ' plants at seacoast fortifications the United States, and the purchase and instgélatipgi of searchlights for seacoast defenses 111 the United States 6,5 . S°°‘"‘“$·°‘°· For construction of sea walls and embankments, $4,500. _ P'°S°"°“°“»°'”· For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which _ _ there may be no special appropriation available, and of structures ,,,E§E'““““° “““° °"° for the submarine mine defense of the United States and for mam- _ _ _ taining channels for access to submarine mine wharves, $274,880. ugl;{$gf“*§i',;‘§”,l‘E, §‘;'i§‘{,°{§j For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and ¤¤=· power equipment for seacoast fortifications, and for tools, e ectrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation, including the purchase of reserve lights, $75,000. §,°sgg°m°*=*°¤ °¤· For contingent expenses incident to the construction of seacoast pe fortifications and their accessories, under the Engineer Department, _ $20 000. ,i,,C,§’",§t{§§°§’,'i,§,§‘,l°1':Qf§Q Flor construction of mining casemates, cable galleries, submarine- °°°- mine storehouses, cable tanks, and other structures necessary for the operation, preservation, and care of submarine mines and their accessorie;1 and for providing channels for access to 'submarine-mine wharvcs, ,500. I¤$¤l¤* P°¤¤¤$*°¤S· snaooasr nrzmmsns, msuum rossnssioiws. P*¤¤$»¤*¢· For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of defense in the insular possessions, $4,000. Hfgagfm batteries- $4For construction of seacoast batteries in the Hawaiian Islands, 4,000.

m,,_°*°°"*° For the installation and rleplacement of electric light and power

’ plants at the defenses of the awaiian Islands, $12,500.

  • ’¤“*PP*¤”- For the installation and replacement of electric light and power

plants at the defenses of the Phili pine Islands, $200,000. P’“°"*f“°"·°‘*’· For promotion, preservation, andp repair of fortifications, includ- ,,§§,*fm“““° “'*“° "* ing structures for submarine mine defense, for which there may be no special appropriation available, and for maintaining channels for access to submarine mine wharves, in the insular possessions, Seamhugmmddcb $50,000. _ · _ _ • U ¤i,p;,m,_ For maintenance and repair of searchlxghts and electric light and power equipment for seacoast fortifications and for tools, electrical

other supplies, ag§15a(p)p)1iances to be used in their operation in the

m ar possessions, , . P'""““"°"'“’ smooasr omrmzsns, mmaua cANA1.. ““*"*°“’· For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of defense, mcluding surveys for roads, Canal Zone, $3,000. I‘°°“'““°"· °‘° For protection, preservation, and re air of fortifications of the Panama Canal, for which there may be no special appropriation