Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1427

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1400 sixrrsnvnxtrrr CONGRESS. sm. rv. Ch. ua 1922.. Oggzwn G¤¤¤¤¤’= Orrrcn or THE Summon GENERAL. ¤ivi¤¤¤v¤=¤¤¤¤¤li¤· Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,250; principal assistant librarian, $2,250; principal clerk, $2,000; pathologist, $1,800; m1crosco ist, $1,800; two assistant librarians, at $1,800 each; anatomist, $l,600; entomologist, $1,600; photographer, $1,500; translator, $1,800; clerksfifteen of class four, fifteen of class three, thirty-five of class two, fifty-seven of class one, nine at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; multigraph operator, $1,200; engineer, $1,400; skilled mechanic, $1,000; two messen ers, at $840 each; six assistant messengers, at $720 each; chauffeur, §840; three firemen, at $720 each; three watchmen, at $720 each; superintendent of building (Army Medical Museum and Library), $200; six laborers, at $660 each; four charwomen, at $240 each; m all, $219,280. mlgsular Mm Bu- BUREAU or Iusmruz AFFAIRS. diy ¤f i¤S¤¤¤ Sel- cum or msamz rrmrino sonnrnns. $‘°;*‘;5Phm,f,’L}’*“°S‘ For care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums in the Philippine ' ’p` Islands of insane natives of the Philippine Islands cared for in such institutions conformable to the Act of Congress approved May 11, 1908, $1,900. can or msann sowmns or six·rY-E1r·r11 nEc1mE1~x*r or 1NrANcrRY. rnrmc Rico. For care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums in Porto Rico of insane soldiers of the Sixty-fifth Infantry formerly known as the Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry, $50. om orchiewrln- ormcm or cmu- or BUREAU or insunaa Arrams. sularBureau. crvuxanpeiscnuelm. Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,250; clerks-—ten of class four, six of class three, HIDE of class two, twelve of class one, six at $1,000 each; three messengers at $840 each; laborer, $660; in all $66,030. E¤¤¤°°’ C°’¤’· Conrs or ENGINEERS. E¤¤¤°°' **°P°‘S· ENGINEER nEr·o·rs. ’°‘*‘*°"‘°‘ °‘¥’°°S°‘· For incidental expenses for the depots, including fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, pay of civilian clerks, mechanics, laborers, and other employees; for lumber and materials and for labor for packing and crating engineer supplies; repairs of, and for materials to repair, public buildings, machinery, and instruments, and for unforeseen expenses, $100,000. S°h°°'·°‘° ENGINEER scnoon. ¤,,E§,“§§f‘§‘$T*’ ‘“““" For equipment and maintenance of the Engineer School, including purchase and repair of instruments, machinery, implements, models, boats, and materials for the use of the school and to provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction of Engineer officers and troops in their spec1al duties as sappers and miners; for land mininfg, pontomermg, and signahng; for purchase and binding of scienti c andprofessronal works, papers, and periodicals treating on military engineering and scientific subjects; for textbooks and books of I 1 N re erence or the library of the United States Engineer School; °xp°”“’ for incidental expenses of the school. including chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, and boats; for pay of civilian clerks, drafts-