Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1374

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six·rY.sEvEN·1·H CONGRESS. sm. iv. GH. 148. 1923. 1347 to teachers assigned to the work of instruction in nature study and sclipol gardcins. f H or purc ase 0 apparatus, xtures s cimens technical books, ,,,1’,,,,,”"‘“*,,, . ,,,1,,,**%,,,*** and for extending the equipment aiidptior the, maintenance of ts laboratories of the departments of hysics, chemistry, biolo , and general science in the several higli) and 'unior high schoglg and normal schools, and for the installation og the same $6,000. Bohm com sh, For furniture and equipment for the Robert Gould Shaw Junior ¥¤¤i¤= Kish Hi h School, $6,000. www Mm Igor furniture and equipment for the Columbia Junior High High- School, $6,000. Ummm d Am, The children of officers and men of the United States Army and g:°_vy» ew-. Mimitwi Navy and children of other employees of the United States stationed outside the District of Colum ia shall be admitted to the public schools without payment of tuition. BUILDINGS Arm onounns. g,£,‘,§§_l,‘““" °“ Continuing the construction of an addition to the Armstrong T,g,*§§°"‘ ““"’*' Manual Training School, $200,000; M<ii¤¤¤~ For beginning the remodeling of and the construction of an addi- tion to the Western High School, to {provide a new assembly hall, ·4»¢¢.1>·=90· a gymnasium for bogs, a gymnasium or girls, and additional cla - rooms, $100,000, an the commisioners are hereby authorized to Gcnuwra enter into a contract or contracts as in this Act provided for said remodeling and extension at a cost not to exceed $550,000; For the purchase of a new site on which to locate a sixteen-room '§$1,,'{,,.Sf’“°°'· building in the vicinity of and to relieve the Tenley School, $25,000; Jmumh For the purchase of land for school purposes adjacent to the $ll!¤·\l¤¤¤· Langley Junior High School, $215,000; For the purchase of land adjoining) the Garnet-Patterson Schools G¤rn¤#P•¤¤¤¤¤- to provide for the remodeling and the construction of an addition mmm to the schools, $50,000; For the purchase of additional land in the vicinity of the Slater- Langston (Cook) Schools, $50,000; For beginning construction of a third·story addition to the '*_,;'_§‘g'}$j Thomson School, $60,000, and the commissioners are authorized to enter into contract for said addition at a total cost not to exceed $135 000; Fdr the purchase of a site on which to locate a sixteen-room build- _`$‘,,§,°u‘Q°‘"$°°°{§,§ ing between Georgia Avenue and Sixteenth Street northwest, north ¤¤¤¤¢· of Park Road, $60,000. I For the erection of an eight-room extensible building on the site E‘“"‘“°° b“"°“"‘ to be purchased between Geor_ 'a Avenue and Sixteenth Street northwest, north of Park Road, $30,000; I _ For the erection of an eight-room extensible building, including ,,£¥€·'§,ii’c§SlL.'T*},Q*{T" a combination assembly hallgand gymnasium, on the nte to be purchased in the vicinity of and to re ieve the Tenley School, $160,000; mmncwk Scholl For beginning the erection of a sixteen-room uildingl, including gg buildin: to ¤¤· a combination assembly hall and gymnasium, to replace the old John P F. (look School, $100,000, and the commissioners are hereby authorized to enter into contract or contracts, as in this Act provided, for such building at a cost not to exceed $250,000; site I new I _ For the purchase of a new site on which to locate a junior high ugh, °r um" school between Twentieth Street and Rock Creek and K and O Streets northwest, or vicinity, $50,000; _ _ _ _ Bmw mgm For the purchase of land adjoining the Dunbar High School, $100,000;