Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1361

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1334 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV Ch. 148. 1923. of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650, except as may be_ herein '!"*¤"°"'”b’°d°¤· specifically authorized other than motor vehicles for the (police and fire departments, but no such vehicles shall be transferre from the police or iire to any other branch of the government of the District o o um ia. use ot uma mma- Appropriations in this Act shall not be expended for the purchase °°‘ or maintenance of homes or horse-drawn vehicles for the use of the commissioners, or for the purchase or maintenance of horses or horsedrawn vehicles for inspection or other purposes for those officials or em loyees provided with motor vehicles. Exmsn ¤f ¤¤¤¤¤, gppropriations in this Act shall not be used·for the purchase, °°°" t°d` livery, or maintenance of horses, or for the purchase, maintenance, or repair of buggies or carriages and harness, except as provided for in the appropriation for contingent and miscellaneous expenses or unless the appropriation from w ich the same is proposed to be paid shall speciically authorize such pgrchase, livery, maintenance, and repair, and except also as hereina r authorized. rm insurance pro- Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for the payment of mum. - premiums or other cost of·H1‘6·1DSl1l:8I1C0. _ rgnms mana Telephones may be maintained m the residences of the superin— §‘,s,,,$'}.\°1";,,°‘ °“‘* mam or the water department, sammy engineer, einer inspector of the street-cleaning division, assistant superintendent of the streetcleaning division, inspector of plumbing, secretary of the Board of Charities, health oiicer, assistant health officer, chief of the bureau of preventable diseases, chief engineer of the lire department, superintendent of ppg-ice, electrical inspector in charge of the fire-alarm system, one operator, and two iire·alarm repair men, cnnnwu .- permit- under appropriations contained in this Act. The commissioners may ““· connect any or all of these telephones either to the system of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company or the tele hone system maintained by the District of Columbia or to botg of such systems. P¤¤¤¢•· For postage for strictly official mail matter, $16,500. cnrrazsme. The commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to furnish necessapy transportation in connection with strictly official business of the istrict of Columbia by_the purchase of street car and bus nuguum. fares from appropriations contamed m this Act: Provided, That the " expenditures herein authorized shall be so apportioned as not to exuflgd? '°‘* P°“°° ceed a total of $7,000: Provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not include the appropriations herein made for the iire and police departments. ’°‘”°*•*°"¥’°°’°'· For judicial expenses, including rocurement of chains of title, the printing of briefs in the Court oi) Appeals of the District of Columbia, witness fees, and expert services in District cases before the Sulpreme Court of said District, $4,000. §“x¤:¤L=¤¤:· or general advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax an school notices and notices of changes in regulations, $8,000. $g_¤¤m’¤;¥*,g_¤¤· For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1923, as re uired to be given by the Act of March 19, 1890, to be reimbursed by a dliarge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, $5,000.

°¤¤¢¤°¤= For yarrymgoout the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to

va.a¤.p.m. authorize the mmissioners of the District of Columbia to remove dangerous or unsafe buildings and parts thereof, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1899, to pay each member of the board of survey provided for therein, other than the inspector of buildings, at a compensation of not to exceed $10 for each survey, and to pay the cost of making safe or removin such buildings upon the refusal cmd ¤rIpegle§t of the owners so to dg, th f _ or a expenses necessary an inci ent to e en orcement of an Cvwupis. Act entitled “An Act to create a board for the condemnation of in-