Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1349

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1322 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Cus. 120, 121, 139. 1923. February 26, 1923. CHAP. 120.-An Act Defining the crop failure in the production of wheat, rye,

 or oats by those who borrowed money from the Govemment of the United States in

[P“bH°* N°‘ 447*1 the years 1918 and 1919 for the purchase of wheat, rye, or oats for seed, and for other Pm’P°¤°€· Cmp mm lm, UBi;ze glgggted the Senate gynd House of IIi;§ep(§•e.s;¢1v;te::tives_o{‘dth; nm. n es 0 menea zn ongress assem a a y1e o ,,,,Y,}§%,Z,'}}°,?,§;,§¥,‘§:; live bushels or less per acre of wheat, rye, or oats on lands owned ¤g:¤Fe$¤r¤:,g%°d bg those in the drought-stricken regions who borrowed money from p..£np.mi9. zh e Govegnmenti of It e United States gn the ygars 191% arid 1919 for e purc asc 0 w eat rye or oats or see be, an the same is hereby, declared to be a failure, and the borrower whose yield was five bushels or less per acre be, arédbhe lis hegeby, rgleaéed from reayment of the amount borrowe y im rom the overnment:

  • ’*‘¤*’*¤¢>·,,,;,, ,y_ groivided, Tgit nothing herein ghalgl release the borrower wfio signed

nm ment x- a guaranty- nd a ment an w ose crop was not a fai ure om °°P°°°‘·gm Q making theu contain gitécgn prgvided fori in such lpgreement, but salid guaranty nd s use as stipu ated in the agreement to the { settlement of the loans to those whose crop was a failure: Provided

 °' further, That any such borrower whose crop was a failure, as herein

defined, and who made ayment on his loan prior to May 31, 1920, shall be fully reimbursed from such guaranty Approved, February 26, 1923. F°br§rz5g§1m3' CHAP. 121.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of State to convey certain land

 owned by the   States m Santiago, Chile, to the municipality of that city, and

to acquire or receive in exchange therefor other land located in the said city. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

 gtngieog Staéttes of Aglzerica   gqrligrgs assembZ;d,f{l1;;atéhet(S(§acé·p‘$i;2;1y

P’§’,°“0_Ef,_ _ ·_ ae a mgas eagen 0 e overnmen_o e ni eS —1¤i¢»i¤·g5i'•,·¤ is hereby authorized to convey to_the mumcipahty of Santiago, Chile; the title to and mterest in a portion, containing not more than thirty square meters, of that parce of land located m the c1ty of Santiago on which the American Embassy is situated, tqgether with the building thereon, known as 206 Merced Street, an other a purtenances thereto, and to acquire with the proceeds thereof, which are hereby appropriated for t at purpose, or receive in exchange therefor title to a parcel of land not exceeding thirtiy square meters in extent at the vzestern end of Bueras Street an the appurtenances pertaining t ereto. Approved, February 26, 1923. ’ s. ¥¤iiT)1m` CHAP. 139.-An Act Authorizing and directing the Secretary of War to abrogate [radii; in nai a contract lease of water power on the Muskingum River. i Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the i2§’”‘,1}'“§},Y,$,§;,, United States of America in Uonpress assemgled, That upon the pay-

 ment of $155 additional by the essee to the United States Govern-

•¤¤. 0l¤¤.•¤¤¤•¤¤. ment, to be said within three months after this Act is approved, and with the un erstanding that no part of the moneys paid by the lessee to the United States Government shall everbe refunded, and in satisfaction of claims of both parties the Secretary of War be authoriized d1rect;(d4to abrogat§ a bctpntéact lease enterisd into orégie 24th ayo unel een o rt h lie istant reta of War, for: the United States of Aiiivgricaraliid the Phoenix Miii Company, by D. P. Torpy, its president, of Marietta, Ohio, for the water power at_Dam Numbered One at Marietta, Ohio, on the Muskingum River, in the State of Ohio. , Approved, February 27, 1923.