Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1343

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1316 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 119. 1923. ¤•¤¤¤¤<¤v¤=¤¤¤· GENERAL EXPENSES, FEDERAL 11ox·r1cm.·rmzAL BOARD. §g¤mp1¤y¤¤¤.s¤pp1i¤¤. For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washing- ' ton and elsewhere, fumiture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of th; I?istrict of Columbia, and for all other necessary expenses, as ol ows: E¤'°’°i°¤ "“"°'Y To enable the Secreta of Agriculture to carr into effect the Pli$.ivu?1ii»?i+igi'8§4tf provisions of the Act of lxugust 20, 1912, as amended, entitled "An Act to regulate the importation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products; to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and mamtam quarantine d1str1cts for plant diseases and msect pests; to permit and regulate the movement of lfruits, plants, and ,, ,,;l*_§g °' vegetables therefrom, and for other pur%<ises_ ; to prevent the movement of cotton and cotton seed from exico into the United States, including the regulation of the entry into the United States of railway cars and other vehicles, and freight, express, baggage, or other materials from Mexico,rand the inspection, cleaning, and m’”“*°,,_°,,p,,,,, disigfeguplp theregf:dPbr§>,v:;Ji1ed§cc hat anyfmoneys aeceived m pay; .¤w. men o ar xe e retary o Agricu ure on accoun of such cleanigni and dismfectien at plants constructed therefor out of any appropriation made on account of the pink bollworm of U cottoi;93hall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, 1’°‘°*°,,,,,,,,”**,,,,,· Td eniible the Secretary of Agriculture to meet the emergen ¤:ii¤mm¤¤¤s.¤i6.? ’ caused by the establishment of the potato wart in eastern Penney? yania, and to provide means for the extermination of this disease m_ Pennsylvama, or elsewhere in the United States, in cooperation with the State or States concerned inclndi rent outside the District of Columbia, employment of labor inltie city of Washington or elsewhere, and all other necessary expenses, $5,000; In all, lgeneral expenses, $311,490. Total. ederal Horticultural Board, $363,010. na¤¤1a¤;¤¤1¤p1>¢¤- INTERCHANGE OF APPROPRIATIONS. ’*“°'°°,,°,‘ ,¤“°"* And not to exceed 10 per centum of the foregoin amounts for £`:J+t:w. M bu the miscellaneous expenses of the work of any buregi, division, or office herein provided for shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the pbjects included within the general expenses of such bureau, division, or office, but no more than 10 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except in cases of egtrglordégicarjg emerkgefpcy, aad then only upon the written order o e re ary o gricu ure. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ,c,§f’°l•¤¤“°¤ P’°!· nnmonsmarrons ON 1mcx.nur1oN momma. D¤!¤<¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤,,»¤*¤·, To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to neo rage d `d ’

. the_ agricultural development of the Govgrnnihnt xelbllanaiatidili

projects; to assist, through demonstrations, advice, and in other wags, settlers on the projects; and for the employment of persons gpg Ogeans necessary ID. the city of Washington and elsewhere, (,§,jj¤°¤°'H°*$°¤¤¤ Eur -pri.nting, binding and distribution of the publications imiiiumums mm. entitled “Diseases of the Horse ” and “Diseases of Cattle,” pm;,.,_ Provufed, That said publications shall be deposited onem_,£°•f em- m the folding room of the Senate and two-thirds in the folding room of the House of Representatives, and said documents shall be by Members of the Senate and House of Represen ves.