Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1330

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 119. 1923. 1303 the Forest Service stationed outside of Washington, and for medical supplies and services and other assistance necessary for the immediate relief of artisans, laborers, and other employees engaged in any hazardous work under the Forest Service; to pay freight express, telephone, and telegraph charges; for electric light and power, fuel, gas, ice, washing towels, and official traveling and other necessary expenses, including traveling expenses for le l and Hscal officers while performing Forest Service work; and fil rent °““m°'°“" outside of the District of Columbia, as follows: F t _F or the employment of forest su rvisors, deputy forest super- visors, forest rangers, forest guard; and administrative clerical assistants on the national forests, and for additional salaries and field-station expenses, including the maintenance of nurseries, collecting seed, and planting, necessary for the use, maintenance, improvement, and protection of the national forests and of additional national forests created or to be created under section 11 of the Act v°'·°°*P·°”· of March 1, 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page 963), and lands under contract for purchase or for the acquisition of which condemnation proceedings have been instituted for the purposes of said Act, and for necessary miscellaneous expenses incident to ‘ pho general administration of the Forest Service and of the national orests: In national forest district one, Montana, Washington, Idaho, mm. °x°°°°°° South Dakota, $604,955: Provided, That the Secretary of A 'cul- {QE gm, of ture is authorized to use not to exceed $500 of the funds ilelrein §;;m¤gm=g» S¤i¤¤ appropriated for district one for the marking of the graves in Saint ’ ' Maries, Idaho, of tire fighters who lost their lives while fightin 4 forest fires in the employ of the Forest Service in 1910: Provided cm ozgmea further, That the Secretary is authorized to use not to exceed $200 in carin for the ves of fire fighters buried at Wallace, Idaho, and Saint hgiries, Idaird; In national forest district two, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Michi an, Minnesota, $241,722; In national Eyrest district three, Arizona and New Mexico, $237 642 · In? national forest district four, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, $277,355; _ _ _ _ In national forest district five, Cahforma and Nevada, $393,575; In national forest district six, Washington, Oregon, and California $385 050; In national forest district seven, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine, Porto Rico, $146,073; _ _ _ In national forest district eight, Alaska, $59,260; In the District of Columbia, $116,230. name: orcoxumma In all, for the use, maintenance, improvement, protection, and Aggregate amount. general administration of the national forests, $2,461,862: Prmnkled, fmaién That the foregoing amounts appropriated for such purposes shal110,,‘Q,$§{§s_ ¥°°"*° *"‘ be available interdhangeably in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture for the necessary expend1tures for fire protection and other unforeseen exigencies: Provided further, That the amount so Limit. interchanged shall not exceed in the aggregate 10 per centum of all the amounts so appropriated; _ For fighting and preventing forest fires, $250,000, or so much Fisbtwzforut me thereof as may be necessaiéyg rcmpied, That not to exceed $25,000 {gjmhfataum of this amount may be use in meeting emergencies caused by forest insects; _ _ _ For the selection, classification, and segregation of lands within the hjljgggg mliggi EQ boundaries of national forests that may be opened to homestead set-