Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1309

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1282 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. CHS. 105, 106. 1923. court of record in the county, parish, or land district in which the ,%*3*;*;:*,g ,,1,,,,,, 0, lands are situated: Provide , That in cases where because of geoma amrictete. ra hic or to 0 aphic conditions there is a qualified ofiieer nearer 3 P P_ gr _ _ or moigtaeeessiilpilie to tghe langl invglvedla but outgdze lthe ggpnty ang land riot avi proo s an oa s may a en ore suc ,0,1;'g°,§,,g§,*§,’§”§m;*§‘r oflieerz Provided further, That in case the affidavits, proofs, and_oaths to beshowri hereinbefore mentioned be taken outside of the county or land district in which the land is located, the applicant must show b aflidavit, 5 satisfactory to the Commissioner of the General Land fiiee, that it was taken before the nearest or most accessible officer qualified to take such affidavits, proofs, and oaths; but such showing by affidavit need not be made in making final proof if the proof be taken in the F d t of town or city where the newspaper is pulélished indwhirili th; Hnal . _ proof notice is printed. The proof afli av1t an oat w en so mama made and duly subscribed, or whiclf may hawie heretoforie been so made and duly subscribed, shall have the same force and effect as Pmmy ,0, mu if made before the register and receiver when transmitted to them ¤w¤ri¤z· with the fees and commissions allowed and required by law. That if any witness making such proof, or any applicant making such affidavit or oath, shal knowingly, willfully, or corruptly swear falsely to any material matter contained in said proofs affidavits, or olaths, he shall be éleemeei guilty tif peilgjiuy, and sgiall lbeblgigble to the same pains an pena ties as i he ad sworn a se ore F¤¤¤f¤r¤¤¤·i¤¤· thedrelgggter. Thaththe gies fri; entlilies and for final proofs, when ma e ore any other officer t an the register and receiver shall be as follows: " For each affidavit 25 cents. " For each depositibn of claimant or witness, when not prepared bVi*° °m"°f; ? “°”if’ i 1 · t ·t d b it or eac eposi ion o c aiman or wi ness prepare y e ofiieer $1. I_£¤¤¤1¢v¢¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤¤v¤ “A1iy officer demanding or receiving a greater sum for such service ` shall be guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished for each ofense by a fine not exceeding $100." Approved, February 23, 1923.

 CHAI'. 108.-An Act'l‘o amend sections 2, 5, 11, 12, 15, 19, 29, and 30 of the United

!P¤bl¤°» N°·*3°·} States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916. Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Representatives of the

L°£§i°"S°A°°Am°°d' United States Z America in Omtgreas assembled, That section 2

,dY°’·”·P"““*°m°”d‘ of the United tates Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916,

 “ ¥2’éTi§‘? ’f’h§2“i1hZSt§§Z£°?” v?#:irehouse’ .S used in this Act an be

deemed to mean every building, structure, or other protected inclosure in which any agricultural product is or may be stored for interstate or foreign commerce, or, if located within any place ummummmd under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, in which ..,,n¤_,, ?I1?;g’1;·§r1cult\;1‘=g product is o1£_may be stored. hAs used in this Act, n ” n me u es_ a corpora 1on or partners ip or two or more W Persons havmigla joint or common interest; ‘warehouseman’ means ..Bm,P,_,, 8 person law clly engaged in the business ofstoring agricultural V°L39'p“.mmd_ products; and receipt means a warehouse PBCQIPP-” si. That section of the United States Warehouse Act, approved Tmmum of H August 11, 1916, is amended to read as follows: .,.,,,S.,,,,,,.,dm,d_ 5. That each license issued under sections four and nine of this Act shall terminate as therein provided, or in accordance with the terms_of this Act_and the regulations thereunder, and may from time to txme be modified or extended by written instrument?