Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1292

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S1xTr-SnvENrH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. as. 1923. 1265 ormcii or rim vrcn rnnsmam. Exim P¤>Sid¤¤¢’S <>f- Salaries: Secretary to the Vice President 4000· clerk 1600· m,S°°§,°°'y’ °1°rk’ md messenger, $1,000; in all, $6,600. ’ $ i , , $ , i gm GHAPLAIN. cimpnm. For Chaplain, $1,200. ormcm or THE sncnmanr. _Salaries: Secretary of the Senate, including compensation as ,t§°°§§L*s'{,,§{m§;°k§' disbursing officer of salaries of Senators and of contin ent fund of mi l l tht} SGHHIG, 8.§lSt3Dt S€cY.°€t3·Yy, Henry M- {OSB; pos; 1527 reading clerk, $4,000; financial clerk, $4,500; chief clerk, $3,250; ’P` ` assistant Hnancial clerk, $3,600; minute and Journal clerk, $3,600; principal clerk, librarian, enrolling clerk, and printin clerk, at $3,000 each; executive clerk, $2,750; Hle clerk, chief book§eeper, and assistant Journal clerk, at $2,500 each; first assistant librarian, and keeper of stationery, at $2,400 each; assistant librarian, $1,800; skilled laborer, $1,200; clerks-three at $2,500 each, two at $2,220 each, one $2,100, one $1,750, one $1,440; assistant keeper of stationery, $2,000; assistant in stationery room, $1,200; messenger in the library, $1,000; assistant messenger, $1,200; laborers·—three at $840 each, three at $720 each, one in stationery room, $1,200; in all, $89,510. DOCUMENT noom. D¤¤¤¤¤¤¤* Rm- Salaries: Superintendent, $3,500; first amistant, $2,500; two clerks, S“p""l“"°“°°“‘·°‘°· at $1,440 each; skilled laborer, $1,200; in all, $10,080. oomurrrim mrrnoxmxs. ,,,§°"°”m°° °mpl°y` Clerks and messengers to the following committees: Agriculture g,$,l2{,1?,,,;‘;1,,;‘f1°§¤'§j and Forestry—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, assistant clerk mimm $1,500; Appropriations-—clerk $6,000, assistant clerk $3,000, two assistant clerks at $2,500 each, three assistant clerks at $1,800 each, messenger $1,200; To Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, assistant clerk $1.500; Banking and Currency·—clerk $3,000, assistant clerk $1,800, two assistant clerks at $1,500 each; Civil Service—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, assistant clerk $1,500, additional clerk $1,200; Claims-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $2,000, two assistant clerks at $1,500 each; Commerce-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $2§20, assistant clerk $1,800, assistant clerk $1,500; Conference inority of the Senate-—clerk $3,000, assistant clerk $1,800, two assistant clerks at $1,500 each; District of Columbia-—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $2,240, assistant clerk $1,500; Education and Labor—clerk $2.500, assistant clerk $1,800, assistant clerk $1,500; Enrolled Bills-——<·lerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, assistant clerk $1,500, additional clerk $1,200; Expenditures in the Executive Departments-——<·lerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, assistant clerk $1,500, additional clerk $1.200; Finance—clerk $3,000, special assistant to the committee $3,000, assistant clerk $2,220, assistant clerk $2,100, assistant clerk $1.600, two assistant clerks at $1,500 each, two experts (one for the majority and one for the minority) at $2,000 each; Foreign Relations——clerk $3,000, assistant clerk $2,220, assistant clerk $1,500; Immigration-—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, assistant clerk $1,500; Indian Affairs-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, assistant clerk $1,500; Interoceanic Canals——clerk 42150°-23-80