Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/114

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86 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 33. 1921. zens of the United States in marksmanship, and their participation in national and international matches, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, and to remain available until ex-

 ,,,1,, mm, pended, $100,000: Promkled, That out of the said sum of $100,000

M ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· there may be expended for the payment of transportation, for suppl meals, or furnishinghcommutation of subsistence of civilian ridrdllgasims authorized by e Sjecretary of War to participate in the nation matches, not to excee $80,000. .,4,*} °?’°,"° °“‘°*”’ Anmmrasrna Surrmns, Eqvrrmmrr, am: so roam, Rnsnnvm C°m` QU Ormom1s’ 'l‘11A11vmo Cours. 9‘“"’“f"'“*°‘ ’“*’j For the rocurement and issue, under such regulations as may be pm' mm mu of prescribed gy the Secretary of War, to institutions at which one or more units of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps are maintained, of such public animals, means of transportation, supplies, tentage, equilpment, and uniforms as he may deem necessary, and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued, and to pay commutation in lieu of uniforms at a rate to be fixed annually y the Secret of War; for transportin said animals and other aut onze sup es an U1 ment m ace o issue to e sever h d d eq 'p fro pig f ’ th al institutions an training camp? and return of sameto place of issue rmmgamp. when necessary; for the esta lishment and maintenance of camps for the further practical instruction of the members of the Reserve OfHcers’ Corps, and for transporting members of such corps ii _ to and from suc camps, and to subsist them while traveling to and from such camps and while remaining therein so far as appro riations Jgngyggf <* will permit, or m lieu of transporting them to and from sudli camps _ and subsisting them while en route, to pay them travel allowance at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the distance bg, the shortest usually traveled route from the {places from which they are authorized to mRé•;¤¤ wv i¤ •¤- proceed to the camp and or the return travel thereto, and to pay tho retum travel pay in advance of the actual performance of the travelfor paiy for students attending advanced camps at the rate prescribed for so diers of the seventh grade of the Regtplar Army; for the pay- ment of commutation of subsistence to mem ers of the senior division of the Reserve Trammg_ Corps, at a rate not exceeding the VOL 3,. P_ M cost of the garrison ration prescribed for the Army as authorized in v°i.4i,p.m. the Act approved June 3, 1916, as amended b the Act approved June 4, 19 0, $2,896,553, to remain available until December 31, 1922. .,,R,§"§ ’°“°°“‘ "“ Mmranr Sorruns Arm Eqmrumvr ron Scuoons Aim Commons. ,,,‘,{"',f,‘,,§{.',,$’,L?,$",·{,{f’“ For the procurement and issue as provided in section 55-c of the ‘,Qjg_g&rj,g;p_2,6_ Act approved June 4, 1920, and m section 1225, Revised Statutes, as vu. 41; p. ns. amen ed, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, to schools and colleges, other than those provided for in section 40 of the Act above referred to, of such arms, tenta e, and equipment, mcluding the transporting of same, and the overgauling and_ repair of personal equipments, machine—gun outfits, and horse equipments, as the_ Secretary of War shall deem necessary for pro l' g;,a,,,.,_ military said schools and colleges, $10,000: Proviclff, mm‘gx¤§gh;.¤¤*¤ That no part of appropriation shall be expended for the purch8S¤ of arms or other ordnance equipment.

tapsdvship- INLAND AND Pour Sroaaor. Aim Smrrmo Faornrrms.

E‘¥’°"’°S °'i¤‘¤¤d For inland and rt stor e inclu all n bu.ildmgS` and port. y GCGSS , docks, tracks, h d dlaier facihllilgsgfor Governialeynt supplies mcluding rentals and of the necessary employees, and for cold