Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1047

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 406, 407. 1922. 1019 In township forty north, range three east: Section twenty-five, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter; section twenty-six, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter; section thirty-five, the north half of the northeast quarter. In township thirty-six north, range five east: Section three, lots three and four; section four, lots one and four, the southwest quarter of the northwest &ua.rter and the north half of the southwest uarter, and the south h of the northeast quarter and the east haii of the southeast quarter; section twelve, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter section thirteen, the east half of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter; section seventeen, the northwesttguarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest gparter and the no half of the northeast quarter; section eighteen, e northeast quarter of the northeast quarter. _ In township thirty-seven north, range five east: Section thrit - three, the east half of the southeast quarter; section thirt -four, tlile northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the south half of the southwest uarter. In townihip thirty-eight north, range two east: Iots two, three, six, and seven, section thirty. In township thirty-eight north, range five east: Section twenty- five, the west half of the southwest quarter. In township thirty-nine north, range five east: Section seventeen, the southeast quarter; section nineteen, lots three and four, and the northeast cgfliarter of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the sou east quarter; section twenty-one, the southeast quarter. In township thirty-eight north, range six east: Section twenty- nine, the northwest aluarter; section nineteen, lots three and four, and the east half of e southwest quarter. All on the Boise base and meridian. Approved, September 22, 1922. . . h . . . . *’°’i'§?“1‘£?t%{‘§”" CH3?. 407.-An Act To add certain lands to the Siskiyou National Forest m Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives 0 the is . on United States og America in Congress assembled?. That the idbrth I·‘<ir¤s]i:;0¤r§§“N:imd half of the nort east quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest um ' quarter and lot one of section thirty-one_, township thirty-nine south, igilnsge six west, of the Willamette meridian, are ereby added to and e a part of the Siskiyou National Forest in Orshgon. me d mw mm Sec. 2. That the Secretary o Agricultiue is hereby au orized in mesa nuns. his discretion to sell the merchantable timber on the land added to the Siski ou National Forest by section 1 hereof in accordance with the regugttions governing the sale of public timber in the national pumps it ongm forests and the entire proceeds of any sale of the timber on such g,.“f¤§,§§‘d‘§"°‘° ‘“"’ land shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States in a V¤1-¤¤,1>·2¤- special fund designated as “The Orxon and California land-grant fund/’ referred to in section 10 of e Act of Oon¥ess approved June 9, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes, page 218), and e disposed of in the manner therem desiglxgtied, the and added forming part of the area which revested in the `ted States under the provisions of the said Act. Approved, September 22, 1922.