Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1032

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1004 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 370. 1922. C

2g;-W- CHAP. 370.-An Act. To amend sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Panama Canal Act; to

...-BH-T.-¢ ‘ U I amend sections 288, 289, 342, 343 368 and 461 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone; lh °’ °‘ Em'] and section 2 of the Executive order oi July 9, 1914, establishing rules and regulations for the operation and navigation of the Panama. Canal and approaches thereto, mcluding all water under its jurisdiction; to amend section 6 of an Act entitled "An Act extending certain privileges of canal employees to other officials on the Canal Zone and authorizing the President to make rules and regulations aiecting health, sanitation, uarantine, taxation, public roads, self-progclled vehicles, and police powers on the ganal Zone, and for other purposes, mclu mg grovisnon as to certain fees, money orders, and interest depo¤its," approved August 1, 1916; and to regulate divorces in the Canal Zone, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlw United mYgg“•!¤::nt§¤¤¤ M States ¢JAmc1-ica in Congress assembled, _That section 7 of the Panama °dv¤un,p.soh,m¤¤a- Act, approved August 24, 1912, is hereby amended to read as ‘ 0 ows: mG:r;g*gf•¤ggnh;l'g0*g§ USec. 7. That the_Govemor of the Panama Canal shall, in conneccavnguva-nmmc. tion with the operation of such canal, have official control and jurisdiction over the Canal Zone and shall perform all duties in connection with the civil government of the Canal Zone, which is to be held, Amninismucn- treated, aud governed as an adjunct of such Panama Canal. Unless in this Act otherwise provided, all existing laws of the Canal Zone . referring to the civil fvemor or the civil administration of the Canal Zone shall be a p `cable to the'Governor of the Panama Canal, who shall perform all) such executive and administrative duties re- ,g{f"""°"° ’““‘°" quired by existing law. The President is authorized to determine or cause to be determined what towns shall exist in the Canal Zone and subdivide and from time to time resubdivide said Canal Zone into subdivisions, to be designated by name or number, so that there I , of _ shall be situated one town 111 each subdivision, and the bonmdaries umm mn. mm of each subdivision shall be clear]? defined. In each town there shall ·”“°‘”"“““"°“°"· be a, magistrate’s court with exc usive original 'urisdiction coextensive with the subdivision in which it is situated of all civil cases in which the principal sum claimed does not exceed $300, and all criminal cases wherem the punishment that may be imposed shall not exceed a fine of $100, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, and all violations of police regulations and ordinances and all To md mumm actions involvinf possession or title to personal property or the forcimmupuliu orrugii; ble entry and etmner of real estate. Such magistrates shall al o ‘”’$,{,’if’°§,f‘§g wh hold preliminary investigations in charges of fe ony and offenses under section 10 of this Act and charges 0 misdemeanor in which the punishment that may be imposed is beyond the jurisdiction herein granted to the magistrate courts, and commit or bail in baileble cases Appoiritees in be to the district court. A sufficient number of magistrates and con- °‘“°°" *'“"°“ °"“°“s‘ stables, who must be citizens of the United States, to conduct the business of such courts, shall be appointed by the Governor of the Panama Canal for terms of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and the compensation of such persons shall be fixed by the President, or bg his authority, until such time as ‘ °,§'Q',§g,,,d°?°·· *° "° Congress may by law regulate the same. The rules governing said courts and grescribing the duties of said m istretes and constables, oaths and onds, the times and places ofaiolding such courts, the dhposition of fines, costs, forfeitures, enforcements of judgments, providing for appeals therefrom to the district court, and the disposition, treatment, and ardon of convicts shall be established by order N°°°*i¤¤ P¤¤“°· of the President. Tlile Governor of the Panama Canal shall appoint all notaries public, prescribe their wers and duties, their 0&cial _ seal, and the fees to be charged andxzzollected b them. .,,,$§¥‘°"“ °° °'“""‘ “Ap als in civil and criminal cases are herehy authorized from the judgments and rulings of the magistrate courts to the district court under the rules and regulations prescribed by section 6 of Executive order of March 12, 1914, relating to the Canal Zone judi-