Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/511

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INDEX. 1929 Gates, Rhoda M. (widow), Pega. General Smf Corp; Army-Continued, Pm, 961151011 ·--~--- _ ----- _ ---.-.. . . . 1551 General StaE wid; t,ro<é>¤_ ..,,,,. - ..,.,_,,, 763 G“·¢€w09d, G€07'9"W (widow), 054261*8 to cneral Staff duties Pension ]¤¢¥<¤*B€d ---···-·--···-··--- - -··- 1544 at department headquarters, etc ,... 763 G¤u9¢’·¤» If’¤¢Q"¤¤l Rwmw, details for period of four years . . ... 763 appropuahon for salaries and expenses. 653, 1274 from list of eligible; ____ _ _______________ 763 Gauges, board to prcgarre initial list of eligibles; appropriation for standardizing, enc., by cgmpcsmon .. . z 763 Standards Bureau, W3.]- and Ngvy SGIOCUOD {1*0111 Réguhf ANDY, NQUODSI Departments ,,,,__, 683,1302 Suud, and OiHce1—s’ Reserve Corps 763 Gauley, John A., Y ···· - —··-······--· · ··--····--··· payment to, for iujmées . . - 1470 .°!“"“ 'S’°Qm}“°“d°d --··· · -··~-·- . --·· 768 G It Wu. E addmona to ehgxbles only from 8])%.1%% au *. '."“m ‘· ualiiiadgaduates ofGoncn1S pension increased ... . 1541 gchool ______ _ ______ _ ______________ 763 GW", Am"? Bdk (dW9h¢¤’), assignments to War Department General Reusi<2;r;l;%;:geas‘Pg:d(-._ 5 . . . . 1505 Staff from General Staff College 763 av me · 1 grad (SB .. · · -.- · · Pemim ··-·---······-···-- ·· ·--···---···- 1541 list of for, to be published annu- Gemeral Gnu}: Naukmul Park, Cay. (see also guy, and in A]-my ];$;sm,-_ ________ 763 N§h9¤¤l P¤·!k¤· G?M°¤’¤¤)» assignment of acting Gexi Staff officers apgrqprnatmn for pyotpctmn, ctc. . , @04, 918, 1407 in cm of v,mmies_ _,,,________,,, 763 de <?€¤°Y ¤·PP!°P!”¤m0¤ !°{¢°F¤m¤¤1<>¤¤!'- 1033 additional members from noucombstxmt e¤¤1nmi_ gg 0XC!l.I81V8 junsdnctwn over, by 731 bm¤ch€B_ _________________________ 753 Mm-, ·--- ; --·-··--···· ; ··;-_-~ Wu D nt General SNK to PIOPOFG attncheq tg Cahfcrma southern ]ud1cm1 $@*2,2 mgjoml defenm __________ 763 jhstnct ·-··---···---··---····--···· 731 mobdize men and material resources for commmsioner of district court to be ap- am,,,gmc;w_ ________ _ ___________,, 763 Powpgingicd for, and Sequoia Park .. investigate, et,c_,;?;iency of the 763 e s · ························· · d f 88818. to ¤*I¤%n1l}°Sid°¤°°--,· ·; -··-··--·--·---·~ 734 mu ggcrggrgszlgd Chief ogngge .. ? 763 G°""`“l Om"' B“'Zf·i"‘9» D- O-- 0ld• committees of, to prepare policies for apfropriation for repmrs, etc .. 193, 906, 1397 National Guard and Organized or employees, care, etc., of . 669, 1288 Bwrvm mganimtjon, ctc _________ 733 d¤6¢i°¤¤Y ¤-8P¤’°P¤'i$·¤°¤ f°¤' ¤'€P¤i¤‘¤» mic- ·- 513 appointment, etc., of reserve officers. . 763 General Land fcc, Commissioner of the, iii ps clu ° National . . . reserve 0 ce , m dmg appmggauou for, assuumt, clegks, ctc. §69, 1288 Guard, to be added to _________ _ _ ___ _ 764 ¢r¤¤¢ ·i¤ <>f 0k1¤b<>¤¤· ww ¤¤¤<> <i<>1¤>¤¤¤ desigmuon of Nmmx Guard mm held bm w be covered i¤¢·> the Ou recommendation or governors, S I ··: · · ········· 1354 thpugh not having reserve com- 764 “*""°’.SZi‘§“ S5'.? °°““‘“'" `°"°" ““““` ’°““$é9 1288 m r -·-·-·· --···· ····•··· 1 I tc., . f¤r i¤ve¤¢¤iz¤¤=i¤¤¤» ew --·---··----·-· 67*% 1289 cme; ggsgltgs $1 pgmide tgvlgnwu Dep?¤- for maps, distribution, etc. . 670, 1289 mem Genera] Stag _____ _ ________ _,_ 764 f<>r Ming ¤1>1·¤¤¤¤e¤ ·-----·------ - -- 670· 1289 pm for momuzmg, em, the mum for r§¤¤¤s PM <>f Mew: we $8 1398 som], to be xrégcda underiw Q . . Z4; . ······· ················ . · uausmissi to wtaryo are .. dofimeucy appropnauon for reproducing on uppmvgof, to act as agent of cgyy vim of ¤¤¤*¢Y¤ ------------··~---- 348 into erm. . ... 764 G’””“l of the Amm °f uw .U"u‘d Smmv plans submitted for legislation by C , ¤f¤¤¤ <>*· ¤s~iv¤<1= ·ar>r>¤+¤¤¤¤s¤¤ of ¤f¤¤¤r to be accompanied by ¤tudy[o¥Wau· WY dmungmshed m wmmmd Department General Staff .. . 764 0 Army abroad .. A . 2 83 comments {0, 0, · _ _______ _ ____ .,. 764 BEV; ?,}3‘.°i““,,...°‘?"’,.*¤;'iI2,‘}.%’t',‘i°.;°.§’°.(1“°°;, ‘‘‘··‘ $33 by §;¤;*¤,;?· $8* 0* S’~“· 0* *“*“· ,6., ······ ‘ vi ua. 0 cers . Gmal of W Emir members of, coniined strictly to specified office to cease w eu vacancy cccur¤... 760 duties _____ _ _________ _ __________ _ ,, 764 G‘"”“1 Stfwi C°u‘9’• A""V· not permitted to assume Department

  • Pg;_°g¤*’*t}°¤ ;‘;'d°@“d1’° ···-··-········ administrative work, etc .. · · . - - · 764

for opgmég som . FSZZZZZZZZZZZIZZI 949 G¢*¤¢f¤lS¢@1fi$°’¤;°1{·.A””9éti R ex 950 for c erks, messengers, etc . . 955 ’PP“’P"“ °° ° _ ° P°“°°° '` General Stqf Corépa, Army, General $11·PPly C0mm'|¢¢¤¢, TT¢¤·W·T!I D¢P¢¤'¢· _ s roprumon or General Staff College 949 Wnf, _ , PE1- military intelligence division ...,. 105, 949 approprmuon for superintendent, chief for military <v·b=·erv¤·ti<>n¤ abroad -··--- 105, 949 clerk, clerks. ew -··. . ..--------- _644, 1265 for service schools . _ .. _. 105, 950 for salanes and expenses tmusfenmg deficienc appropriation for contingencies, office eqmpment, etc., pay Miigmry information section ... 1184 resmcuon .  :  ;.. . 644,1265 composition of.. . 762 proceeds to be cqvered m; War De· War Department General StaE . . . . . 762 _ partment to motor trucks._ 645, 1265 to consist of Chief of Smti, four geuemls, xsues qi typewnters and computmg md other officers . . . 763 machines . -.-·..--- 645