Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/412

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I 1830 INDEX. Alaska Oil Ga: De °¢o—Continued. regs, Alien Ifroperzy Ouetqdiern,-Continued. Page. leases ma0;inclmd:in,¤'1mo01:!:igguous . 446 delieren;-y appropriation for expenses, etc., 35 { on , 0 . . . . . . . . . · or may be waivdld ... 446 delivery, _ of property held by, on 977 fraud, etc., by claimant a bar to all . glam otlléf thin 0¤6¤!Y -···---··- 8 csh of _______ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ · 446 spgcaal nwnetslup d ted . .. 97 ,,1;;,,,,,;,, ben delivery of property 1135 by, to woman zi · ’· no ons expornj m, wheat ¤¤¤¤•¤ <>* .·“¤¤*' ¤=?*°¤ '”*"“°'* mw whlgat flour, prohibited; exeep- 1759 prior to April 6, 1917.-.. gg, tig , ... ..-- -·-··---··-- ··· Nm • ·-·-- ; -·--- _ -3 ···· ·, ···· r annie? ____ __ _____ _ ___________ _ _______ __ 1773 tp wqg:‘anmefGAmer1ca°r:cmuze1(:rsbt2> Alban , Cal ., n erman, . pn """¥“‘L‘§.‘1,l..;..°‘.‘l“"“‘*‘°°· ***2 °‘ """°’ 1012. ..§£§},Z,;, ············ ’ ··········· 3 $3%}% c_______•____·_________, Q I ,,,...,,,., , Albany cmmgy, M Yi, _ _ _ disposition of property, etc., under con- .35 mgy unite with State, atc., m bnw 12101 of- ···-----·----········----·- Alban gandson River, Troyto Cohoee, . . 1108 4;;,,, 3,,,,,,,,, Iiigqggd, b ombridigi authorized acm; Flint River at. . . 275 on und.], for hggiitglxygungnt ,,,,,..., 1082 Albany, M K, vmeltopsyexponse; mttobededucted {g¤;g0fq)I1ttlt---...·.. ··.- _ --··-- - · 395 frunwggg _,_,_____ _ _____________ 1083 MM Wns MM wp, Uwe! Con- clarmce waurnem until paid 1083 federal: Veterans, suspected cases to be removed from vesloan of Army @1113, ctc., for 1‘c\H1i0¤ if sel for observardon, etc ... . . 1083 Hodgkms Springs, near Fort Worth, retention until cured, etc.; enforcement Aumzgu Tang ,_. . . .-·······--· · - - · 1061 of return ,,,_ , ,____,,,,.,,_______, 1083 . · · ·· Aliens, . pointed Board {Managers V I teer · · · · · “" ¤·»··=¥f·‘~ nn; ..»--- ---- nw ·¤r~r,;¢:.r;'· . €?%.*¤·r°°¤° .. ,%,35,,,,,, ‘ub°’°• .M°fy E' (md°w)’ 1562 for enforcing laws regulating immigra-

· ié£."" ‘° ``'‘‘'` l?l0l1Ql . _  _ 221,935, 1424

gggmpmuon for Ilidim gdmlgl at- 2, 17, 4?2’ 1%,48 for enforcing exclusion of anarchists. 3;; ‘ appro tion or d1au' schoo , . ’ °°“°’ *’““ 523,14ng, 1042 nu dsportahcn es. . . . , 221,936 .41mmz on National Prohibition Ace. for ¤¤1·¤¤¤¤¤, ¤·*¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f, 6*2 ----- 222, Alcohol, Dmalured (us Denatured Alcohol). _ _ _ 93'L1425 Alcohol, Industrial (see Industrial Alcohol), deficiency appropnatmn for expenses trans- Alcoholism, Sixuguh I Congress, f porting, etc., mterned enemy. . . . 337 ap riation r expenses tes to. - 1217 , or xpenses regulati imm1gra' tion o . . 341, filll;x Liquors). 0 egg f 6 f D;] 346, 349, 519, 1188, 1192 , crman, or expenses o intern . 341, 1188 Eension . . . . 1539 for e orcing laws anarchistic. . . 518 A gon, Wfilhclm, for expenses depomng undesirable, etc. 518 may bring srut for damages to motor boat for expenses, etc., naturalization of . 518 Ah ‘_‘S};l‘·ay " . . . .. 1553 regtriction gsi use for training aliens 1 , -, r cmze . . .. 518 appropritgtion for public building, nigh 1368 additioiial progrisi8_xigtgg gatiuapizationl of, G ·... . ... , servi m m tat deticieupy appropriation for hospital for ing tlig war .. . . . 222 discharged disabled soldiers, etc., additionalrestrictions on entry of,when pmat .. · .. 50 8 claimed by the President as re- A Ualfa (sag also Gnsses), quired for public safety . . .. 353 appropriation for testing commercial seeds unlawful acts oi; entering in violation of Of, Bw ··--·-·-···..---. 243, 702, 1322 prescribed rules, etc . . . 353 for preventing admission of adulteratedlbz 243, transporting prohibited persons . . . . 353 , 1322 maki fal st ‘ ' Avon Brig cmnmy, :¥,’Fp,n°S0nS$°$fé’Y’}T`,T‘T.’T‘?¥’i{°{tT'?’}T 353 may bri e Savannah River, Haileys furnishing viségd pagpgrtv Bm, to 0;},6; Ann, A,·i,»°$»2$° ``‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘°`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *37 ,,,,,£‘“,?,’,.g"°l'§,°“ ‘° ‘”“§g‘.i “““°" ···· ,;· 353 1 U |)$$l)0 , appropriation for enforcing laws exc1ud— oi) another ._,_______ _ _ 353 Aum 11;% 1;% ---· - --·-·---—-·-... 221, 936, 1424 10l'g’l`I§%ésC(:3Ht;ll7Bff8lt1Dg, nm, pennpnm, 353 ¢<>PWS8ht P¤>vi¤i¤¤¤ for works of .. 369 using false Ein`] [T 353 . d“m'8 P°¤°‘l °‘ W°¤'1d War ----····--·- 369 punishment for violations ' l 353 Ahm Enmm, I¤¢¢"Md, corporation official deficiency appropriation lor gxpgugggy in _______________________________ 353

» lmdef D<>P¤¤¤¤¤’¤ of 337 fol?61tl{l’9 isi vehicle, vessel, etc., used

··•···,,,____,__ tl -·.-·---_-_·.·.-·~··. ' fvr ixeggnsen of, under Imnrigrnnnn Bgh 1188 wmegriéiindehuin rwtriction .. g . ····----- : -·-·—·~—··-·--·-- , , meaning o_ "per¤on" extended . . 354 Aim mggiggy (W ***-*0 Tmding npproplrgrzgn for carrying out provisions 354 “PP'°P““F‘°'* fw ·=¤v¢¤¤<~=¤, etc-. of the 176, esemve when i{£é~}1Hn,§§{é{éé$éé¤`{6bi,l 885, 1378 erate. , ... 354