Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/336

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. ]_ 769 sub'ect to valid rights and the provisions of existin withdrawals, shall be opened to_ entry only under the provisions of ihe homestead T1m°°l°°°°i°g' laws requiring residence, at and after, but not before, nine o’clock a. m., standard time, October 14, 1919, and to settlement and other disposition under any public land law ap licable thereto, at and after, but not before, nine o’clock a. m., standlard time, October 21, 1919: Provided, that the rights of the State of Montana under the pro- u¤ilir$lZ?li§?ltEli§$e3i visions of the Act of Congress approved March third, e` hteen v°‘·”·P·5°2· hundred and ninety-three (27 Stat., 592), shall not be abrid Qi in so far as any of such ands are affected thereby. Unsurveyed inds are not subject to the provisions of said act, but in the absence of a prior adverse right, the preference accorded the State of Montana thereby where the township has been surveyed, and the plat thereof filed while the lands were reserved for forestry purposes, will attach immediately upon the restoration of such lands to selection and entry under the general land laws of the United States on October mm up Hamm 21, 1919, as herein provided, and continue for sixty days. Pros- em. P ' pective applicants may during the period of twenty days preceding the date on which the lands shall become subject to entry, selection or location of the form desired under the provisions of this proclamation, execute their applications in the manner provided by law and present the same, accompanied by the required pa ents, to the prcéper United States lan offices in person, by mail;Hi>r otherwise an all applications so filed, together with such as may be submitted at the hour fixed, shall be treated as though simultaneously fled and shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by existing regulations. Under such regulations conflicts o equal rights will be determined by a drawing. warning s alnst Warning is hereby given that no settlement initiated prior to glegggsw 1>¤§i¤r to seven days after the date for homestead entry above prescribed will g' be reco ized, but all ersons who go upon any of the lands to be restorecllliereunder andp perform any act of set ement thereon prior to nine o’clock a. m., standard time October 21, 1919, or who are on or are occuipying any part of said lands at such hour, excetplt those having vali subsisting settlement rights initiated prior to wi drawal from settlement and since maintained, and those having preferences Amcunml was to make entry under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved Vol.34, p. zu. “ June elevent , nineteen undred and six (34 Stat., 233) ent1tled . " An Act To provide for the entry of agricultural lands within forest reserves", and Acts amendatory, will Ive considered and dealt with as trespassers and will gain no rights what-ever under such unlawful Emmimlmnuow settlement or occupancy: Provided, however, that nothmi herein ed. contained shall prevent persons from going upon and over t· e lands to examine them with a view to thereafter appropriating them in ,.,,0, Sememmt accordance herewith. Persons having prior settlement rights or rizhwiewpreferences, as above defined, will be allowed to make entry m accordance with existin law and regulations. IN WITNESS WHEPEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ DONE in the District of Columbia this 3rd day of September m the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and mne- [sea:.] teen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-fourth. Woomzow Wmson By the President: Bonner Laxsnve, Secretary of State.