Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/16

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1454 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crrs. 9, 21, 22, 24, 25. 1919. a point in the section line common to said sections two and eleven; thence continuin south naught de ees one minute east, and arallel g . gr . . P to the north and south center line of sa1d section eleven, for a distanw of thirteen hundred and twenty feet, to the south line of the northwest quarter of the northeast qluarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of said section eeven; thence north eighty-nine degrees Eve minutes west, along said south line, for a distance of twenty-two hundred and twenty-mne and five-tenths feet, to a point in the present southeasterly rig t of way boundary of said raih·oad; thence north forty degrees twenty-five minutes east, along said right of wayl bound(;1.ry, an lberng pne undreld fpet so511theasterfy from and ara e to sa.1 center `ne 0 main trac or a `stance o seventeen

 and ten and four·-tenths feet, to lthe point of beginning, and

contarmng in all sixty-seven and e ht -seven one-hrmdredths acres, . . lg Y . . . more or less, within the Iproposed prrmspging umt of the Mmrdoka project of the United States ec amation rvrce. Approved, December 17, 1919. . D颤¤¤b¤¤’ 24. 191% CHAP. 21.-An Act For the relief of James W. Cross. _qs.m.] [P"”ti" M M Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United {,“;_‘§§cff,· M States of America zn_ Congress assembledé That the Secretary of the imums- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorize and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to James W. Cross, $92, as full compensation to said James W. Cross for personal injuries received as a result of an accident October 26, 1914, without negligence on his part, while he was engaged in the performance of his duties as a laborer at the State, War, and Navy Department Building. Approved, December 24, 1919. December 24, 1919. CHAP. 22.—An Act For the relief of Catherine Grace.

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lP““f‘“· N°· 9* Be tt enacted by the Senate and House ¢g'Re esentatives of the United <i;¤;;3i;¤ggQ2¤(g?-for States of America an _Congress assemble , Tliidt the Secretary of the cmu omusttma. 'I'rcasu;·y be, and he IS hereby, authorized and directed to pavy the sum of $469.oO, out of any money in the Treasur of the Lnited States not otherwise appropriate ,_ to Catherine Grracc, widow of James Grace, who died as a result of injuries received by him, the said Jlamgs Grace, while in the performance of his duties as an employee of e ovcrnmcn . Approved, December 24, 1919. December so ww. CHAP. 24.-An Act For the relief of John M. Francis. Is. 176.1 —TFmé€;mj6‘T— Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 ° __ _ _ · f Re esentatwes of the United d¥’%§§f;,§{°Qg‘j·,0, States of America in Congress as.s·emb2ed Tlzidtthe Secretary of the

C<:r;c§d7_ 1'I&reIa`s'1;1l5y_be% and he is herebyf authorrzed and directed to pay to John

. cis, ather of late Ca et John C. Francis, West Point Military Academy, who died on duty at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, the sum of $181, burial and transportation expenses. Approved, December 30, 1919. necergpeggaj rm. cnn. 25.—A_¤ Act For- therein: or Henry P. Grant, of Phillips County, Arkansas. {Prmm N°" H'] — Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re ’ Q _ _ esentatwes of the United §§§,’§",,,}°,;,,;,{,";j‘,§·,0_ States of America zn_ Congress assembled, Tlizt the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of