Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/991

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970 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 240. 1920. operations, the construction or rental of storehouses within and outside the District of Columbia, the rglperatron, ma1ntenance,_and repair of horse-drawn and motor—propelle_ passenger·carry1ng vehicles, and such expenses as are ordinarily provided for under appropriations _ for "Engineer De ots," "Civilian assistants to engineer officers/’ rI;S°}Z`§Z°St oropem and "Maps, War l)epartment," $500,000: Provided, That vqhen to °“m“‘°’*8‘S· the interest of the Government funds appropriated under this head may be used for the purchase of options on material for use in engr- “Cg;§;'*¤g@>¤ “'°’k neer operations in the field: Promded, furtlrer, That so much of this ’ appro riation as is necessary to provide facilities for Engineer training ofp troops maybe expended for military construction work of a temporary character at camps and cantonments and in training areas, for training purposes only. Phmppm Ismdl CoN·rrNeENoIEs, ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. E'?gi"°°' °°““”g°"' For contin ent e' enses incident to the 0 erations of the Engineer cies rn. Departmentzln thdql’hilippine Islands, to be expended at the discretion of the Secretary o War, $2,500. Sm°yS8ndmaps' MILITARY Srmvnrs AND MAPS. ,,,§,’§,*?,f,‘§§§.f" "°"°" For the execution of topographic and other surveys, the securing of such extra topographic data as may be required, and the preparation and printigg of malps required_for militarg purp)oses, to be Pm,"_ immediate y av able an remam available until ecem er 31, 1921, _0¤¤e¤ umm tv vs- $100,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War rs authorized to secure mt' the assistance, wherever practicable, of the United States Geological Survey, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or other mapping agencies of the Government in this work and to allot frmds therefor to them from this appropriation. ‘“”k"· CONSTRUCTION AND LIAINTENANCE or MILITARY AND Posr ROADS, BRIDGES, AND TRAILS, ALASKA. ,,,§{§,“§,’j•b"dg°S’““d For the construction, re air, and maintenance of milita and post roads, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, to be immelgatcly available, $350,000. _ ,,g’,;;i¤¤¤¤¤ Dew ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. ORDNANCE Snnvrcn. ?§$€“Qf°§f§4°?’S°S° For the_ current expenses of the Ordnance Department in connection with purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing ordnance and ordnance stores, comprising police and ofrlice duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising, stationery, thewriters, and adding machines, mcluding_ their exchange, and ofbhlce furniture, tools, and instruments of service; for incidental expenses of the Ordnance Service, and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance stores; for instruction purposes; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the Ordnance Office; subscriptions to periodicals, which may be paid for 111 advance; and payment for mechanical labor in the office of the Chief of Ordnance; and for maintenance, repair, and opera- ,,rmm_ tion of motor-prgelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, ‘~’e¤ic1¤r¤stri¤¤<>¤ $5,000,000: Prot ed, That n0_money appropriated herein shall be expended for maintenance, repair, or operation of any motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle employed wholly or in part for personal social or other similar use or for any use except for military and