Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/961

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940 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 235. 1920. W-36» P· 531- proved March 4, 1907, and without reference to section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910, concerning purchases for executive departments. R¤i¤¤;b¤¤S¤pg¤¢ for The Department of the Interior and the Union Station group of °°"°° Supp ' temporary housing shall reimburse the Capitol wer plant for current sup lied durin the fiscal year 1921, and the) amounts so reimbursed shall be cregted to the appropriations for the said plant and be available for the purposes named therein. mgcgpirggrant Prim- GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Puauc PRINTING AND BINDING. Pe*>¤¤ Prirw pur- Office of Public Printer: Public Printer, $6,000; urchasm' g nt gigiing °g°m’ °l°m’ $3,600; chief clerk, $2,750; accountant, $2,500; assistant purcli·§§ ’ agent, $2,500; cashier and paymaster, $2,500; clerk in chargeuiii Congressional Record at the Capitol, _ $2,500; private secI·etary, $2,500; assistant accountant, $2,250; chief timekeeper, $2,000; pay- ing teller, $2,000; clerks--four at $2,000 each ten of class our, thirteen of class three, twelve of class two, ten of class one, fifteen at $1,000 each, eleven at $900 each, one $840; paymaster’s guard, $1,000; doorkeepers—-chief $1,200, one $1,200, five assistants at $1,000 each; two messengers, at $840 each; delivery men—chief $1,200, five at $950 each; tele hone switchboard operator, $720; three assistant telephone switchboard gperators, at $600 each; seven messenger bogséiat $420 each; in a_ , $153,930. _ _ Pglgputyl gsulzlic ce of Deputy Public Printer: Deputy Public Printer, $4,500; °t’°°r ’° °' clerks—0ne of class three, one of class two, one $840; messenger; in all, $9,180. W¤*¤hf¤*¤¤· Watch force: Captain, $1,200; two lieutenants, at $900 each; sixt -four watchmen; in all, $49,080. H¤¤d¤>’¤- Hiylida : To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions ofytihe law granting holidays and the Executive order anting gag holidays with pay to the employees of the Government Prrinting ce, $300 000. Lewes <>*¤b¤¢¤¤¤- Leaves of absence: To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the emlp oyees of the Govermnent Printing Officc, $560,000. b,£g£¥;° P*'*¤°i¤K Md or public printing, public binding, and paper for public printing Ag,,,.,é,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,_ and binding, inclpding the cost of printing the debates and proceedings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographmg, mapping, and engraving, for both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court o the United States, the Supreme C0l1I’b of the District of Columbia, the Court of Customs Appeals the Court of Claims, the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Pan American Union, the Executive , Office, the United States Geographic Board and the departments; Gmc., ,,,,,,,,,s ,,,,d for salaries, comggensation, or w ces of all necessary employees addi- ¤<r>¤¤¤¤¤· tional to those erein specincailliy appropriated for (including the compensation of the foreman of binding, the foreman of printing, ,.Bh,c,%_ and the foreman of press work, at $3,000 each); rents, fuel,gas, electric ciurent, gas and electric fixtures; bicycles, electrical vehicles for the carriage of printing and printing supplies, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including the mamtenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-cmiying vehicles for official use of the officers of the Government Printing Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer (not exceeding $1,500); freight, ex ressage, telegraph and telephone service; furniture, typewriters, andp carpets; traveling expenses, stationery, postage, and advertising; directories,