Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/958

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 937 be explended under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, $100,000; and theunexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose, Uncxpqnded bar contained in the "Second Deiicienc if propriation Act, fiscal year °°,l°1ia%l15`ii°d' 1920/’ is continued and made available during the Hscal year 1921. For refund of immigration fine erroneously assessed and collected ni6nl)é¤ScIiYo§°ii1i>€Liyl°d from J. D. Spreckels and Brothers Company at San Francisco, Cali- R°"“"’ °“*“°· fornia, $200. NATURALIZATION SERVICE. i·eiliimmm°m°° Bu` For compensation, to be fixed by the Secret of Labor, of ex- ,,,,P°,,.p’,,8,°E’,S°“m*“°"· aminers, interpreters, clerks, and steno%aphersl:Iibr the p ose of 'clmlm carrying on the work of the Bureau of aturalization, prolirliged for by the ct approved June 29 1906, as amended by the Act approved V¤¤- 34, 1>- 596- 1) arch 4, 1913 (Statutes at Large, volume 37, page 736), and May ,0V¤15g»r- 736: V<>1 9, 1918 (Statutes at Large, volume 40, pages 542 to 548, inclusive), 'P' ' including not to exceed $50,000 for personal services in the District M§,¤(§v¤u;§{m*¤ Dimict of Columbia, and for their actual necemary traveling expenses while ' absent from their official stations, including street car fare on official business at official stations, together with per diem in lieu of subsist- mggr diem ¤¤b¤iS*»· ence, when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil vdias, p. eso. Appropriation Act Zpproved August 1 _ 1914, and for such per diem together with actu necessary; travelmgexpenses of officers and employees of the Bureau of aturahzation in Washington while absent on official duty outside of the District of Columbia; telegrams, veriiications of le al papers, telephone service in offices outside of the District of Columiia; not to exceed $13,400 for rent of offices outside of the District of Columbia where suitable quarterscannot be obtained in public buil carryini into effect section 13 of the Act of .,;‘§,,§Q°"“,§“°° ‘° °'°'l‘“ June 29, 1906 ( y-fourt Statutes, page 600), as amended by 36**;; §*6;,,rg30°°‘* Vi the Act approved Jime 25, 1910 {Thirty-sixth Statutes, pa e 765), ’ ' ' and in accordance with the provisions of the Sundry Civilg Act of V°1"°’P‘m‘ June 12, 1917; and for mileage and fees to witnesses subpoenaed on behalf of the United States, the expenditures from this appropria- _ tion shall be made in the manner an under such regulations as the {>’§°§·”'€§',SS;sta¤t¤ to Secretary of Labor may lprescribe, $525,000: Prmrided, That no ‘j},*§,*g°§Qf§f,f,‘},,f{‘“‘°’ part of this appropriation s all be available for the compensation of ' assistants to clerks of United States courts. rmrrnn smrss uousmo conronxrrou. ¤.ll£..°°`°° c°°°°' Salaries: For officers, clerks, and other employees in the District orsmilgitilrgigigéi of Columbia necessary to collect and account for the receipts from “°"°""°’· the sale of rczperties of the_Un1ted States Housing Corporation, the Bureau of Iln ustrial_Housing and Transplortation, property commandeered by the United States through the Department of Labor and to collect the amounts advanced to transportation facilities and p,.,,,,,,,_ others, $50,000: Prmnkied, That no person shall be employed here- HF *‘¤¤**i°**°¤· under at a rate of compensation exceeding $5,000 per annum and onl one person may be employed at that rate ; coumgmtexpousa Clcntingent eipenses: For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices at ashmgton, District of Columbia, including purchase of blank books, maps, stationery, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, freight and express chaggos; telegraph and telephone service; printing and bindingl; a11d_ other miscellaneous items and DBOBSSSYY expenses not inc uded m the foregoing, and necessary to collect loans made to corporations and associations, $20,000; ,,;,,,,,,5,,, ,,,,,m,,,_ Ap raisal: For the cost of appraisal under contract loans made to expcciite transportation facilities, $10,000; 4428l°——2l.-161