Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/944

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 923 Protectinrlg interests of the United States in suits affecting Pacific Paciicrsilrosdsumrailroads: 0 enable the Attorney General to re resent an protect Exp°°”‘ the interests of the United States in matters and, suits alfecting the · Pacific railroads, and for expenses in connection therewith, $10,000. Unrrnn srsrns courvrs. eww ““‘°“ For salaries, fees, and e§>enses of United States marshals and their iiiiiiihékéna expendeputies, including the office expenses of United States in “°°· the District of Alaska, services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, services in Alaska and Oklahoma in collecting evidence for the United States when so specially directed by the Attorney General, and maintenance, alteration, repair, and operation of horsedrawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles used in connection with the transaction of the official business of the office of United States marshal for the District of Columbia, $2,061,000. Advances ·*"‘”“‘°°°· to United States marshals, in accordance with existing law, may be made from the proper appropriations, as herein provide , immediately upon the passage of this Act; but no disbursements shall be made prior to July 1, 1920, by said disbmsingsihcers from the funds thus advanced, and no disbursements shall made therefrom to date expenses for the Hscal year 1920, or prior years: Prorgtded, at gwropaopk _ there shall be paid hereunder angle necessaaiiygztcsst of keeping vessels ,,,1,,,., $.,,,,°,§}““‘ °" or other property attached or li led in alty in such amount as the court, on petition settinsgorth the facts under oath, ma allow Provided further, That marsh and office deputy marshals iiaxcept pudjmmbdstmc, in the District of Alaska) may be tgranted a per diem of not to exceed "°‘· “°· P- m- g $4 and $3, respectively in lieu o subsistence, instead of, but under the conditions prescribed for, the present allowance for actual - ex nses of subsistence. _ neu-as enemy;. , gin salaries of United States district attomeys and expenses of paiglgs md ¤*· United States district attomeys and their regular assistants, including the office expenses of United States district att0mcysinA1aska, and for m§f,,'§f“ "“"'”g '°‘ salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States district attorneys for services rendered during vacancy in the office of the United pmat. States district attomey, $730,000: Provided, That United States P°"”°’““""’°°“°°· district attorneys and their regular assistants may be granted a r diem of not to exceed $4 in lieu of subsistence, instead of, but unggr the conditiolps prescribed for, the present allowance for actual exenses o su srstence. P For réggular assistants to United States district attorneys who are mgum mma"` appoin b the Attorney General at a fixed annual compensation, $500,000; Pyromkled, That except as otherwise prescribed bylaw the §g;,,"‘,;’;',,,,,,,_,,,_ compensation of such of the 8SS1St8nt district attorneys authorized by V¤l· 2% P- 1€‘¤· section 8 of the Act appr0§<iM95y 58, %896, as the Attorney General ma deem necessary, may e x a no exceeding` $3,000 rannum. . nies migrants to the Attomey General and to United lsiates aa. mt$"‘°“*"" ”°"“" trict attorneys employed by the Attomey General to aid in special cases, and including not to exceed $30,000 for clerical help for such Fmigu mum, assistants, and for payment of foreign counsel employed by the Oath. ` Attorney General m special cases (such counsel shall not be required R' °‘* '°°‘ 3“·"‘ °" to take oath of office m accordance with section 366, Revised Statutes of the Stairs), $450,000, to be available for expenditure in the District 0 um ra. For salariespf clerks of United States district courts, their dpiputies, §',i°$.;,, M and other assistants, expenses of travel and subsistence, an other V°'·*°·P·“”- expenses of conducting their respective offices, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved February 26, 1919, $990,000: Pmmded, That the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to tix the §f§§·{*· Supreme salaries of the clerks of the United States district courts and to pro- court,D.b. vide for their office expenses, and for other purposes/’ approved