Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/939

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918 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. for the maintenance, operation, and repair of a motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicle for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $25,300. G°°”°' G””*»C"'“· General Grant National Park, California: For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, $5,300. G'°°i°’· M°¤*· Glacier National Park, Montana: For administration, protection, maintenance, and im rovement, including necessary repairs to the roads from Glacier Tark Station through the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to various oints in the boundary line of the Glacier National Park and to gre International Boundary, including not exceeding $1,000 for the maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-driven qassenger-carrying vehicle and horse-drawn passengercarrying vehic es for the use 0 the superintendent and employees in connection with general ark work, $95,000. °¤=¤dC¤¤Y¤¤»’¤’i=· Grand Canyon National liiark, Arizona: For administration, protection, maintenance, improvement, and the amiuisition of lands for road and trail rights of way within the park, inc uding not exceeding $1,000 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the supprintendent and §§{"{‘,§'§·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,_ em loyees in connection with eneral park wor , $60,000: Prod¤¤· mligd, That no expenditure shall ie made in the maintenance or improvement of any toll road or toll trail. Hemi- Hawaii National Park: For expenses incident to securing donations of atented lands and rights of way over patented lands in Hawaii Ngtional Park, $1,000. vggg %§¤€¤ Raw- Hot Springs Reservation, Arkansas: The imexpended balance on new’1mu¤ig¤g;. June 30, 1920, of the appropriation and authorization contained m §$§*’,§f",§,§‘,*f'“‘°”‘ the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919 for the construction of a new administration and Government free bathhouse buildini is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal ,§gE§§§f“‘“°° °‘d°"‘“’ year 1921. T e Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to use such appropriation and authorization in the construction of separate for administration and free bathhouse purposes pnd todagcue-app sites in the city of Hot Springs which may be donated or said ings. ssds5x€sii;r'eZ1ii>i)i¤ii)$€f The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to assess and collect from physicians, who desire to rirescribe the hot waters_from the HotvSlprmgs Reservation, reasonab e charges for the exercise of such pri ege, including fees for examination and registration; and he is also authorized to assess and collect from bath attendants and masseurs operating in all bathhouses receiving hot water from the reservation, reasonable charges for the exercise of such privileges. The moneys received from the exercise of this authority shall be used in the protection and improvement of the said reservation, I·¤'=*Y¢**¢· Ma- Lafayette National Park, Maine; For administration, mamtenance, protection, and improvement, including not exceeding $600 for maintenance, operation, and repair of a motor-driven passenger- , _ carrying vehicle for use in administration of the park, $20,000. c,l5f'°°" `°'°’““°’ Lassen Volcanic National Park, California; or protection and _ _ im rovement, $2,500. “"S‘"°"‘°*""°· liiesa Verde National Park, Colorado; For administration, (pil-LJ- tection, maintenance, and improvement, including not excee v $800 for maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passengencarrying vehicles for use of the superintendent _ _ and emplovees, $14,000. _ wiisglun R°‘°‘"’ Mount Rainier National Park, Washington; For administration, protection, maintenance, and improvement, including not exceeding $800 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of a motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicle for use of the superintendent and pgrk employees in connection with generalnpark work, $40,000, of w ch sum $1,500 shall be immediately av able for the installation and repair of telephone