Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/883

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862 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1920. and tgi be acporgntlgd for mopigily onbitemized vouchers to the account- ` 0 cero the istricto oum ia; m§7or meals of jurors and of prisoners temporarily detained at court awaif tria , $100; R°°°’ °°°‘ Foruignt, $2,000; ger furrgturebfixtures, equipment, and repairs to the courthouse an oun s, as 0; Fo? fuel, ice, gas, laundry work, stationery, printing, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto, inding and rebinding, preservation of records, mops, brooms, and buckets, removal of ashes and refuse, telephone service, traveling expenses, ani} ot}l-eréénpidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $3,000; . n a , , 50. xi$°rl}Zi¤§°?m' Pomcm cormr: Two judges, at $3,600 each; clerk $2,200; deputy clerks—one $1,600, three at $1,500 each, two at $1,200 each; deputy financial clerk, $1,500; deputy assistant financial clerk, $1,500; probation officer, $1,500; three assistant plripbation officers, at $1,200 each; stenographer, $1,200; seven ba s, at $900 each; deputy marshal, $1,000; janitor, $600; engineer, $900; assistant engineer, $720; fireman, $600; assistant janitor, $300; matron, $600; four cleaners at $360 each; telephone operator, $480; in all, $40,140. m°°°H°°°°°°‘ Miscellaneous: For printing, law books, books of reference, directories, periodicals, stationery, bindingl and rebinding, preservation of records, typewriters and repairs thereto, fuel, ice, gas, electric lights andspower, telephone service, laundry work, removal of ashes and rubb' , mops, brooms, buckets, dusters, sponges, painters and plumbers supplies, toilet articles, medicines, soap and isinfectants, nited States flags and halyards, and all other necessary and incidental expenses of every kind not otherwise provided for, $4,500; m""°“{°°s’°t°` For witness fees, $3,000 ; For furniture and repairing and replacing same, $500; For lodging, meals, and accommodation of jurors and of bailiffs mms in attendance upon them when ordered by the court, $200; ' ger compensatlgoglof ]uro§s·,§0t)0,000; or repairs to dings, , ; Munwipdmm In all, $23,200. 8,,,,;,% MINICHAL cotmr: Five judges, at $3,600 each; clerk, $1,500; four assistant clerks, at_$1,200 each- clerk and messenger, $840; elevator Rm cm opprrator, $60% ]3r&rtor,§g6gg charwoman, $240; in all, $26,580; ’ orren o u mg, , ; For fixtures, and repairs to furniture and building; $500; For contingent expenses, including books, law ooks, books of reference, fue , light, telephone, blanks, dockets, and all other necessariy miscellaneous items and supplies, $2,000; Lum,_ywm_s_ ri all, municipal court, $32,680. . _ _ _ v¤1.:as,p.v4o. WRUS.OF·L[NsGYZ For expenses attending the execution of writs de lunatrco mquirendo and commitments thereunder in all cases of indigentjnsane ggrsons committed or sought to be committed to Saint Ehzabeths ospital by order of the executive authority of the District of Columbia under the provisions of existing law, including the employment of an alienist at not exceeding $1,500 per annum, and a clerk at $900 who shall be a stenographer and typewriter, . . $5 500. Int rest and srukr ’ and? ng INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. Am°u°t' For interest and sinking fund on the funded debt, payable onehalf out of the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half out ofo any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $975,4 8.