Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/862

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr. 234. 1920. 841 For services of temporary draftsmen, computers, laborers, addi- T°m¤’“°” °°"*°°°· tional iield party when r uired, urchase of supplies, care or hire of teams, $8,000, all expeiiditures lliereunder to be made only on the written authority of the commissioners; In all, $34,000. _ _ Minimum Wage Board: Secretary, $2,500; clerical, contingent, salgrlmum w°“° and miscellaneous eirpenses, $2,500; m all, $5,000, to be paid w olly ,,,,I;f"“ D*’“‘°* ’°"°‘ out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. E , District of Columbia Employees’ Com ensation Fund: For carry- p.m§'§E¥i—°°¤¤d.°°m` ing out the provisions of section 11 oi) the District of Columbia I;§§¢m‘;)“‘{gfi“i“*“· Alppropriation Act, approved July 11, 1919, extending to the em- ` ` p oyees of the government of the District of Columbia the provi- _ sions of the Act approved September 7, 1916, entitled "An ct to l°l‘3°’p‘m‘ provide compensation for employees of the United States suifering injuries while in the performance of their duties and for other pur- P0$6$» 7, $5,000- Free runue mum Fans Prmmo Lrmzaar, mcnunme Takoma Pam: nmrrcn: and Takoma rmi Librarian, $4,000; assistant librarian, $2,000· chief circulating de- "’§§§,’;;,,,,_ partment, $1,760; director of children ’s work, $1,600; director of reference work, $1,500; children’s librarian, $1,200; supervisor of school work, $1,260; 1ibrarian’s secretary, $1,200; Takoma Park branch librarian, $1,200; chiefs of divisions—order and accessions, $1,200; industrial, $1,200; reference librarian, $1,200; chief, catalogue de artment, $1,400; assistants——one $1,200; one in charge of periodicals, $1 200; eight at $1,000 each, seven (including one for the Takoma Isark branch) at $900 each, six (including one for Takoma Park branch) at $780 each; copyist, $780; classifier, $1,000; shelf lister, $1,120; cataloguers—one $960, one $900, two at $780 each; stenographers and typewr·ite1—s—one $1,100, one $1,000; attendants-one $900, eleven at $780 each; collator, $780; four messengers, at $720 each; ten pages, at $420 each; four janitors, at $720 each, one of whom shal act as night watchman; janitor of Takoma Park branch, $660; engineer, $1,300; fireman, $720; workman, $600; library guard, $720; two cloakroom attendants, at $360 each; six charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $76,900. S mm, For substitutes and other special and temporary service, including ° °°' the conducting of stations in public-school uildings, at the discretion of the librarian, $3,500. smh M 0 _ For extra services on Sundays, holidays, and Saturday half holi- rug. " " °°° da s, $3,000. mmumms glrscnrtmnons, INCLUDING Takoma PARK BRANCH! For books, ' periodicals, and newsglglpem, including payment in advance for subscriptions to perio cals, newspapers, subscription books, and society publications, $12,500; _ _ _ For binding, by contract or otherwise, including necessary personal services, $7,000; _ _ _ _ _ For maintenance, repaus, fuel, lighting, iitting up buildings, lunch-room equipment; purchase, exchange, and maintenance of bicycles and motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, $11,000; _ _ _ _ For extraordinary repairs and improvements to the buildings of p¤iErsxi$ii>idm“y N the free public libraries, $3,000; In all, $33,500. t xpases. OONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Ummm e For printing, checks, books, law books, books of referencehperiod- mmSsp°°§°d` icals, stationery; surveying instruments and implements; awmg materials; binding, rebinding, re airing, and reservation of records; maintaining and keeping in goodp order the laliioratoig and apparatus in the oiilice of the mspector of asphalt and cement; amages; l1ve1‘y» 44281°—·—21——55