Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/772

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srxrrwsrxrn ooxonnss. sm. II. ons. 223, 224. 1920. 75.1 a fee of $1 for executing each application of an alien for a visé and ,£*_;g§0Qj>{,];i5é°¤°°P· $9 for each visé of the passport of an alien: Provided, That no fee prmeo. ` shall be collected from any officer of any foreign Government, or P°”°“°‘°mp°‘ members of his immediate family, its armed forces, or of any State, district, or municipaligy thereof, traveling to or through the United States, or of any sol `ers coming within the terms of the public V,,,_,,, ,,,,0M_ resolution approved October 19, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes at iiarge, i part 1, pag1eh1014), _ _ _ _ Y _ _ _ _ Sec. 3. e validity of a {passport or visé shall be limited to two ‘¤¤¤·*Y*¤¤¤edyears, unless the Secretary o State shall by regulation limit the validity of such vpgssport or vrsé to a shorter perio . R Sec. 4. enever the appropriate officer within the United ree °fi°$£e°ie:fi$i?i»r;i States of an foreigncountry refuses to visé a asspprt issued by ‘°'°*¥¤°“°°’- the United States, the Dgpartment of State isgiere y authorized upon request m writingaan the return of the rmused passport within six months from the te of issue to refund to the person to whom the passport was issued the fees which have been paid to Federal oihcials, and the money for that dpurpose is hereby a ropriated and directed to be paid upon the or er of the Secretary ofigtate. A th t t _ Sec. 5. Section 1_ of the Act approved March 2, 1907, entitled pasfipfi? it °§t}sSZll§ "An Act in reference to the e atriation of citizens and their pro- ”°$,§{”‘,$,°}"pf°@°‘};,_ tection abroad" (Thirty-fourthlSptatutes at Large, part 1, page 1228), peeledauthorizing the Secretary of State to issue passports to certain persons not citizens of the nited States is hereby repealed. Approved, June 4, 1920. Jung 4, 192). CHAP. 224.-—An Act To provide for the allotment of lands of the Crow Tribe, for the distribution of tribal funds, and for other purposes. [Public, No- 239.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esmmtives 0 the United States of America in Congress assembledq Tgt the Secre{ar·y of the wiwogifn Rm" Interior be, and he herebtysis, authorized and directed to cause to be ,,‘},Edm,°§§ of “”"* alloted the sruveyed lan and such unsiuveyed lands as the com- 1>i=¤i¤¤¤¤¤ mission herein after provided for may find to be suitable for allotment, within the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana (not including the Big Horn and Pryor Mountains, the boundaries whereof to be etermined by said commission with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior) and not herein reserved as hereinafter provided, among the members of the Crow Tribe, as follows namely, one hundred and sixty acres to the heirs of everE enrolled member, entitled to allotment, who died unallotted after ecember·_31, 1905, and before the assage of this Act; next, one hundred and sixty acres to every allotted member living at the date of the passage of this Act, who may then be the head of a. family and has not received allotment as such head of a family; and thereafter to tplrporate the remaining unallotted allotable lands and allot them so_ thevery enrolled member on the date of the passage of this Act and entitled to allotment sh receive in the aggregate an equal share of the allotable tribal lands for his total _ O allotment o land of the Crow Tribe. Allotments made hereunder ,,.,'{,§,'§,,’g_‘£{°°‘°"*"‘° shall vest title ir1 the allottee subject only to existing tribal leases, which leases in no event shall be renewed or extended b the Secretary of the Interior after the passage of this Act, and shall as hereinafter provided be evidenced by patents in fee to competent Indians, except ,m'f¤'g‘,ad2°‘°”°$ ‘°’ as to homesteads as hereinafter provided, but b trust patent to \’¤¤·2·m$$3S$- minors and incompetent Indians, the force and ly al effect of the trust patents to be as is prescribed by the Generalcgllotrnent Act of _ I February 8, 1887 (Twenty-four·th Statutes, page 388). Priority of PM"? ° s°""‘°°‘ selection, up to three hundred and twenty acres, is hereby given to the members of the tribe who have as yet received no allotment on