Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/77

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56 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 6. 1919. P’°”*¤°· immediatel u on the ass e of this Act: Provided, That all reve-

m}i$v§i°$$°¤Z§¤ iduig nues on haiird ri) une 30, i)919?§nd all revenues derived thereafter from

°°"°'°°"’* the exercise of the authority contained in the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the President to provide housinfg for war needs,_" approved May 16, 1918, as amended by the De ciency Appropriation Act approved June 4, 1918, including revenues from rentals, the o eration of properties, the disposal of properties, the repayments oi)1oans and the interest on loans, shall be covered mto the Treasury m gg;*¤:•,,*°:;f of the 2[Inited States as miscellaneousreceipts. And the proper pauses to be me- authority shall submit to Congress detailed estimates of approtpriamm tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and for each scal year thereafter so long as the said Act remains in effect, foikgersonal services and all other ex enses required in the District of lumbia and elsewhere to providle for the care, rental, maintenance, and operation of properties as authorized by law. I,,g,,h,,,,_ LEGISLATIVE. . §5‘}§,§f,‘j‘·m_' ,0, ,,x_ To enable the Superintendent of the United States Capitol wegipxaéw b:g{¤r¤¤¤d- and Grounds to revise the (plans and estimates of cost for carrymg ` ’°' out the extension of the a itol Building m accordance with the report contained in House Illocument Numbered 385, Fifty-eighth Congress, third session, and su plementary reports, $2,500, to con- _ tinue available durin the fiscalp year 1920. Ef°““° °“*°° B‘”"*‘ House Office Buihgngz For maintenance, including miscellaneous mieamzmm. items, and for all necessary services, $7,000. · Seregsnsme nmning Legislative Drafting Service: For salaries and expenses of mainsriigiis and ex. tenance of the legislative drafting service as authorized by section P°{;§{_°;m'P_ mh 1303 of the "Revenue Act of 1918/’ the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this njpuiipose for the Hscal year 1919 is reappropriated and made av ab e for the Hscal year 1920, together with the further sum of $20,000. Senate. SENATE. ,,,¢,“',;`§§“§§,§Y¤§§“§f For compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others: °°m¤¤m¤¤· For assistance to Senators who are not chairmen of committees, as follows: ,,,1;§°g'$_ ,§{§{°h 4 °° Five clerks, at $2,000 each er annum, from March 4 to June 30, "°l· ·i°»P·76°· 1919; five assistant clerks, at gl,200 each per annum, from March 4 to June 30, 1919; five messengers, at $1,200 each per annum, from March 4 to June 30, 1919, to be paid from the appropriation for assistance to Senators provided for the fiscal year 1919. $§?}'],'§?§°;§§_'S°”"‘ To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay from the appropriation for 1919 for compensation of officers, clerks, assistant clerks, and messeggers to Senators not chairmen of committees, to wit: ,,¥°’”’ J- “°·““"""'» John J. cAll1Ster, junior, for services rendered as clerk to Honorable George H. Moses, Senator from the State of New Hampshire, from November 6, 1918, to November 21, 1918, at the rate of $2,000 per annum and additional compensation at the rate of $120 per annum; J‘H“"°dg"M°Gh”°‘ J. Rutledge McGhee, for services rendered as clerk to Honorable W. P. Pollock, Senator from the State of South Carolina, from November 6, 1918, to December 1, 1918, at the rate of $2,000 per _ _ annum and additional compensation at the rate of $120 per annum; °°"”"““·"‘°"°“· Cornelia W. Morton, for services rendered as clerk to Honorable Charles L. McNary, from November 6, 1918, to December 9, 1918, at the rate of $2,000 per annum and additional compensation at the rate of $120 per annum; ""”° T“°“‘P"°‘* Alme Thompson, for services rendered as assistant clerk to Honorable Charles . McNary, from November 6, 1918, to December 9, 1918, at the rate of $1,200 per annum and additional compensation at the rate of $120 per annum; and