Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/764

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss. II. Ch. 223. 1920. 743 ALLOWANCE TO wmows on nmns or DIPLOMATIC on GONSULAR ormonns wuo DIE ABROAD. Payment under the provisions of section 1749 of the Revised a§$iii§°;i¤1}$§i?r°fB°°° Statutes of the United States to the widows or heirs at law of R·S·S°°·"‘”·P·““· diplomatic or consular officers of the United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their duties, $5,000. PAYMENT ·ro Mns. wmnmnn ·r. MAGELSSEN. To Mm. wma-ed r. Magenta, widow of William c. Mage1SSe¤,M?i§?1selY"'““"‘ T· late consul to Melbourne, Australia, $4,500, one year’s sale;} of her "ym°”° *°‘ deceased husband, who died while returning to the Umt States from his post of duty from illness incurred in the Consular Service. TRANSPORTING REMAINS or DIPLOMATIC AND OONSULAR ormcmns TO rnnm HOMES ron 1`NTERMENT. For defraying the expenses of transporting the remains of diplo- ¤¤¤ii¤is<>f omiléirgie mi matic and consular officers of the United States,_includ.1ng consular assistants, who have died or may_d1e abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country for interment, and for the ordmary and necessary expenses of such interment, at their post or at home, $5,000. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU or wmoirrs AND MnAsUxns. Contribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of ¥ ii’i=?;¤¢S gig Weights and Measures, m conformity with the terms of the conven— vu.zo,'p.1:14. tion of May 24, 1875, the same to be paid, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to said bureau on 1138 certificate of apportionment, $2,895. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU Fon PUBLICATION or cUs·roMs TARIFFS. To meet the share of the United States in the annual expense for ¤>§,£g,lr;£§lgT*E;·g_*%i& the year ending March 31, 1921, of sustaining] the international p' bureau at Brussels for the translation and pub `cation of customs tariffs, pursuant to the convention proclaimed December 17, 1890, $1,500. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND Mexico. To enable the President to perform the obligations of the United C° ;·};;:?i,ag States under the treaties of 1884, 1889, 1905, and 1906, between the 26,29p; 1512-; vsi. ae} United States and Mexico, $5,000. P·U,f?f;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,c,, The nnexpended balance Of the ayépropriation for the Escal year *°*&¤{'°4g“1*]}’°1*,};,9_ ending June 30, 1920, IS hereby ma e available for the fiscatlegear ' ` ending June 30, 192_1, and for the objects and purposes designa by said Act of appropriation. BOUNDABY L1Nn, ALAsK.A AND cANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Boundary, Alaska To enable the Secretary of State to mark the boundary and make °m€i¤a.s2,p.1se1. the surveys incidental thereto between the Territory of Alaska and the Do1mmon_ of Canada, in conformity with the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal and existing treaties, including employment at the seat of government of such surveyors, computers draftsmen, and B I umd clerks as are necessary; and for the more effective demarcation and smtsaaacimaa. mapping, pursuant to the treaty of April 11, 1908, between the "°'·“·*’·“°"‘*·