Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/703

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682 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. Cm °*g'°°“'”· For grading, construction of roads and walks, piping grounds for water supply, lamps, wiring for lilghting purposes, and other expenses incident to the imgrovement an care 0 grounds, mcluding la orers S t I mm in the District of olumbia, $10,000._ _ mvxigairiaaustla For continuation of the investigation of structural materials, such as stone,_clays, cement, and so forth, including personal services in _ the District of Columbia. and m the field, $125,000. ,,;,1;?§E1§€ f°' For maintenance and operation of gestiiig Bilachinesk gmiludigig rsonal services in connection therewit in the `strict 0 0 um ia iingdhin gis field, for the degephmination by the Burezlng of Stzgidards o thep ysicalconstantsan epropertieso matcrl asaut onze by law, $30,000. . E"‘*'°“¥“"‘”g b“”"‘ For investigation of fire resisting properties of building materials m°mma1S` and conditions under which they may be_most efficiently used, and forl the St8.I1 Btl0I\• of ogxagpphtanciescgpr fiso pregentiplp, mc uding person services in e ric 0 um 1a an III e new $25,000. uc’f1$‘,*{;f*°°* °‘P“"‘ Fdr investigation of the standards of practice and methods of measurements of public utilities, such as gas, electric light, electric wer, P . . . . P0 . water, telephone, central station heatmg, and electric railway service, and the solution of the problems which arise in connection with stpiéidlardsi) sugh personal services in the D1StI'lCli o 0 um ia an in e , . mmggfpmt For investigation of materials used in the construction of rails, all-IGBIS, ailles, and other Jailway equiprpenlti and th? éapse of theitii ’ ure, in udmg` person services in the istrict o o um ia an in the field $15,000. i¤g‘f‘§§§}'*‘“°°““ ‘°“" For tastings miscellaneous materials, such as varnish materials, soap mater: , inks, and chemicals, mcluding supphes for the Government de artments and inde endent establishments inclu ' P. . . . P . . persional geivicies m3the District of Columbia and m the Held, as authorize aw, $ 0 000. ,i&?fud§§d'§z’;‘;{§§;f“‘ For investigation and standardization of methods and instruments employed in radio communication, including personal services in the _ District of Columbia and in the field, $30,000. mI§§a“§hfF;§{,,,,§,°,§Q_’s To develop color standards and methods of manufacture and of color measurement, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and specification of colorants such as dyestuffs, inks, and pigments, and other products, paint, paper, and textiles, in which €‘*l°€` J? éZ.£f.§°é?f‘I.ZX EY,p€£°’t§?§1`§ii6‘%t5““°”“l “"i°“‘°‘ i“ °h° DiS` nc e , . egg? P'°"“°°S P"’°‘ _ To study methods of measurement and technical processes used in the manufacture of gottery brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay pgoducgs, and the stu y of thpl properties oi tlig; materialgoused in t at in ust inc ud1ng' person servicesint e istricto lumbia A Vc I etc and ixg theigeld, $$5620% d .,,·;Q,'§,,“,?" ‘{‘;. » ·* To eve op met o testing an standardizing machines motors wir- ng H mm tools, measuring instruments, and other apparatus and devices used in mechanical, hydraulic, and aeronautic enineering ; for the comparat1ve study of types of apparatus and metho of operation, and for the establishment of stan ards of performance; for the accurate determination of fundamental (physical constants involved in the proper exegention ofithlis worl:;_an tier thelsfzientitiizlieiplperiments and investiga ions nee_e in so ving _ e pro ems w c ma arise in ouncetion therewrth,_espec1ally_m response to the requirements (if aeronautics and aviation for mformation of a purel scientific nature, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $15,000.