Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/682

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. 661 For postage stamps for the department and its bureaus, as required Postage mmmilgnder tihe Postal nion, to prepay postage on matters addressed to ostal nion coimtries, $500. WFo1i) rent of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of the Rm. ar epartment, $23,700. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Ji‘·}’.l§?”“"“’“"’°“° Onion or PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND eaouivnsz Superintendent, S S“P°*‘¤*¤¤*'g¤*· ¤¤· $3,600; assistant and chief clerk, $2,400; clerks—one of class four, ¤liimmd°m m°rk' one of class three, one of class two, two of class one; messenger; landscape architect, $2,400; junior engineer, $1,500; in all, $17,940. {or foremeirg, gardeners, mechanics, and laborers employed in the F¤r¤¤¤¤¤.•¤¢· pu lic groun , $31 200. Park police: Lieritenant, $1,900; first sergeant, $1,700; two ser- Pvk police. geants, at $1,580 each; fifty-three privates, at $1,360 each; in all, $78,840. · E lgorvwatchmarlt fear tgelcare pfvéhehgoniiment and dock at Wake- W¤k¤¤¤r1,Va e , irginia,t e irt paceo as gton $300. For contingent and incidental expenses iucludingssurchase of pro- °°°“"g°“*°‘l’°““°°· fessionagdaarécli sipierlgiiichbcgoks anhg tecgnical pesigcagic , books of reference oo 0 ograp , an m ,- . Fo1·,purchase,fre]iali1·, land eizchange oflhicycles and revolveis for park police and or pure ase 0 ammunition $1,500. For piuichzse, maénteliiance, repair, operation, and exchange of motor cyc es or par po “ce, $1,400. For p111&>li)asi(.pg and slplgplying u21gforms to park police, and Monument an ri ge watc en $5,1 . _ _ Of the foregloing amounts apprgpriated Imder public buildings ,,$,°,§‘,§f,,,,{’°'“ d"‘"°‘ apdlggnmds, gs (pgpumbof $68,400 sh be paid out o the revenues of t e trict 0 um ia. STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS. §_§@p‘Z?i·... JE? Otlice of the S1%peri11tendeut: For an assistant to the_Supierinte11d- ,,,;'§§,§’,'§§‘ '° °"'”" ext *5**;$2:1*:rf..:;».;:s;3“t:I.i.’;s.2*.2;:i:.’%";;.;*·:.¤.;=;,;m* 8 ·m· is a Ion o 1 . State, War, and Navy Department Building: Assistant superin- }’g';,2,?,‘,}‘,§2""§,‘{;,,,,,,,,, tendent,g2,000; clcrks——two of class one, one g1,(§00; clzilef engligleer, ;w¤:&é<=¤•r¤=· •¤s¤~ $1,800; ve assistant engineers, at $1,200 eac · e ectric mac ist, ’ ' $1,200; captain of the watch, $1,200; two lieiitenauts of the watch, at_ $840 each; fortly-two_watchmen; carpenter, $1,000; chief_electrician, $1,400; e ectmcum, $1,200; machinist, $1,000; painter, $1,000; plumber, $1,000; three dynamo tenders, at $900 each; eight skilled la orers or general mechamcs, at $840 each; bricklayer, $1,200; messenger; foreman of laborers, $840; sixteen firemen; twenty elevator conductors at $720 each; two foremen or forewomen, at $780 each; fifty-five laborers; two second-class firemen, at $660 each; gardener, $720; tmc attendants at $480 each; in all, $133,680. O For fuel, lights, repairs, IHIS09l.l&I1BOHS items, printing, and city mmm: °x°°°s°s' direc` tories, $54,000. ’ _ For the replacing of two boiler feed pum , $1,200. Yi°p°‘”’ °‘°‘ For the replacing of commutator on numgr one generator, $1,200. t,,;`°" °l°°°i° g°°°°` For lfhe mstalgption of a steam turbine~driven electric generator of t un owatt capacity, $21 000. V Walker-Johnson Building, 1734 New York Avenue: Engineer, B,Y§§1};,§,' "°h“S°“ $1,200; four firemen; four elevator conductors, at 720 each; seven °P°”’l°¥’°'°'· watchimen; §4e§§ra.l iigplchapgc or skilled laborer, $840; seven laborers; atten ant, ; in , S ,940,