Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/589

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568 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 153. 1920. after administration may be granted on her husband’s estate she shall file in the probate court a written renunciation to the following eifect: BY"*d°"· ‘I, A. B., widow of —j-——, late of _———--, deceased, do hereby renoimce and qmt all claim to any devise or bequest made to me by the last will of my husband exhibited and proved according to law; and I elect to take in lieu thereof_ my dower and legal share of the estate of my_sa1d husband} If, during said period of six months, a suit should be mstituted to construe the will of her_ husband, the period of six months for the filing of such renunciation shall commence to run from tlphe date when such suit shall be finally determined, by appeal or 0 erwise. . u£ff¤=¤ ¢>f r¤=¤¤<=i¤- "By renouncing all claim to any and all devises and bequests,_made to her by the will of her husband, she shall be entitled, m addition to her dower, to the distributive share of his personal property, which she would have taken had he died intestate, and, except in cases of valid antenuptial_or xstnuptial afeements, this provision for the _ wife shall agiplggiith e effect (wit out formal renunciation) to casa where the us d has made no devise or bequest to his wife. B""°“““°d· "By renouncing, within the period above prescribed, all claim to any and all devises or beauests, made to him by the will of his wife, the husband shall be enti ed to the distributive share in her personal property which he would have taken had she died intestate, and, except in cases of valid antenuptial orplostnuptial agreements, this provision for the husband shall appl wit hke effect (without formal renunciation) to casa where the wigs has made no devise or bequest must an mm to her husband." _ ceggiserol D 1377 ]mA3men(;l_section 1179 btyjsuiking out the word "ten" (next to last amaaw ‘ <=¤¤.1e¤¤*¤¤g" - . .. Hwy Bg striking out secotlidln 1180 and inserting in lieu thereof: pmtgleéua penalty "t r:c£118oB Usu1§i1—If;; any person of corporaoion shall m`-OL 3;,, _ lm, con rac in e mc , ver y, o ay a grea er rate o interest amended- D than 6 per centum per annum, or shallp contract, in writin , to a a greater rate than 8 per centum per annum, the creditor shall fllrleit ,{;;'gQ;°jming mgm the whole of the interest so contracted to be received: Provided, That sgoosagoosrgagoim. nothing in this chapter contained shall be held to repeal or affect the , ico of Qongress approved Eobriiary 4,_ 1913, relaoling to the business o oamn money on secun y. ’ Thirty-sevent tatutes, part 1, Landlord and ten- pa'§B 607·°§. . . . . . an;. striking out section 1233 and inserting in lieu thereof: ,,,,§,{j"°"“""‘g °“ °"‘ “gsc. 1233. Uunmaraxnge ON Arrman.-—In case of an appeal by a¤§_<:a€_d3¤. v- 13**3, the defendant his undertaking, in order to operate as a supersedeas, _im¤mtsl¤¤umui». shall be an undertaking, with one or more sureties approved b the S"‘“*°d· court, to abide by an pay the judgment rendered, if it shall be aiiirrnedi together vgthlt e olosts of the appeal, and to pay all intervening amages to e ease ro ert an com ensation for the use and occupation thereof, from the gateyof the judgment of the municipal court to the date of its aiiirmance; and in said imdertakin the said defendant and his surety or sureties, the latter submitting tiemselvoisbto the jiigidsdictlion of the oogirt, shtoll oigree that if the judgmen a ju gment ma e ren ere ainst them b the appellate coiért for the amount obi the gidgmeigoago aflirmed and the mtervemn amages, compensation, an costs oresaid." Lf“"· Bg striking out section 1262 and inserting in lieu thereof: $§{f"g{f";}‘;388_ “Ec. 1262. Ll`VERYMAN···—Ili shall be lawful for all persons keeping or boarding any animals at livery within the District, under any agreement with the owner thereof, to detain such animals imtil all charges PWM under such agreement for the care, keep or board of such animals sem m wm-. shall have been paid: Prmnded, however, 'l`hat notice in writ' shall first be given to such owner in person or at his last lmownl-Sims of