Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/571

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550 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 122, 125, 128,136. 1920. .H.,...L., ¤iiY"g?§‘§'%,,_, ai“NIé%¥I§‘?¤?tl§‘t‘;§.&‘tF;2t?t.‘t2»£°i£“t‘§;?'%?.¥i i3”l“p;i’€°i§°aF°' P°§,{,F};’,““* "*"*"° E" Whereas the National Marine League of the United States is to hold Pmnible- an exposition in New York next April, for the purpose of demon- %rati1&gSto the piébtlipc the neegs of kth; pihxgritime ugglugtrieshof the nite tates an means y w 'c interes o suc maritime industries ma be encour ed and promoted· and Y “$ . Whereas it is believed that participation by the Department of Commerce in such exposition may tend to promote evelog, and foster the foreign an domestic commerce of the llmted tates: Therefore be it _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Rriegresentatwes of the United m,D,g§’°{,g'§§“§,‘§fd°°g';§ States ¢g‘9Am€1h·iea i12&0'ony£ie£s·s q.ssen;bled,w at the igcrettagy of Com- 1¤i¤¤ ¤>- merce au orize in e 10n, coopera wi t amanagers of such exposition to furnish such exhibits from the various bureaus and branches m his department as, in his lludgment, may Pmm be of value in the lperformance of the functions of the epartment: No expense mon- Proohted, That suc cooperation and the furnishing of suc exhibits

  • ”°‘· shall be without expense to the United States. I

Approved, April 8, 1920. ` éllilnlgélieiifj CHAP. 125.-Joint Resolution Providin forthe filling ofa vacancyin the Board of

 Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, of 516 clam other than Members of Congres.

mi . Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United tuiiouihscmm msu. States of America in Uorgress assembled, llfhat the vacancy in the

, Iliff Board of Regents of the mithsonian Institution, of the class other

umm than Members of Congress, that will occur on March 19, 1920, by reason of the expiration of the term of Charles F. Choate, 'unior, of Massachusetts, be filled by the reappointment of the said (lharles F. Choate, junior, for the ensuing term. Approved, April 10, 1920. A[g1i1l:ibiii% CHAP. 128.-An Act To amend the Act approved December 23, 1913, known irubuc, No. UH` as the Federal Reserve Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives o the United baggdzlted msdr; States of America in Congress assembled, 'lzhat section 14 of the Federal cmmt rates mm. Reserve Act as amended by the Acts approved September 7, 1916, "$,‘f,,_,,,,_,,_,,,,’,,,,,,,,,,,,_ and June 21, 1917, further amended by striking out the semicolon ed- after the word "busmess" at the end of subparagraph (d) and insert in lieu thereof the following: "and which subject to the approval, review, and determination of the Federal Reserve Board, may be graduated or progressed on the basis of the amount of the advances and discount accommodations extended by the Federal reserve bank to the borrowing bank." Approved, April 13, 1920. "p‘lQ_l§'=,,,l,??· Mig?. 136.-An Act Authorizing the sale of lands in Gregory County, South [Public, N0. 171.] · Be it enacted by the Senate and H R ntati .‘ sr§igii¤i;ai1e§1s*°t,¤te¤- States of in Congress assevgylfdi 'lllliblasllhe Sbgcsrgldii; SK Qggig}, {§*¤‘gg°§§, Qiigg; Interior, in his discretion, be, and he is hereb , authorized to sell for ¤ry County. S. D¤k· cash, under such rules and regulations as he ma prescribe, the imallotted, unreserved, and unentered lands in (llregory County South Dakota, formerly in the Fort Randall Military Reservation. , Approved, April 15, 1920.