Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/559

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538 SIXTY-SIXTH, CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 111, 112. 1920. the court shall take into consideration the degree of negligence attributable to the decedent and reduce the recovery according y_. ,°§§:d*f“ ""’" “°‘ ’·"` SEO. 7. That the provisions of any State statute giving or regu atmg rights of action or remedies for death shall not be affected by this_Act. w°m°°°u°°l°d°d' Nor shall this Act apply to the Great Lakes or to any waters within . the territorial limits of any State, or to any navigab e waters in the No dm mu Panama Canal Zone. _ _ _ ea., ¤a£¤°fe¤. ’ Sec. §. That this Act shall not affect any pending srut, action, or proceeding. Approved, March 30, 1920. K¤’¤h 30 lm- CHAP. .——An Makin appropriations for thesu of theliili Acad-

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_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,,, ”‘°°“" States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921: “P¤¤¤¤¤t¤j¤* ¤¤¤*> PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT. P'°‘°“°”·°°°· For pay of seven professors, $26,500. For pay of one chaplain, $2,400. “”°“°“"°“'°"’· For pa of master of the sword, $3 500, and the present incum- R°"k·°“’· bent shalfhave the relative rank and be entitled to the pay, allow- Umm ances, and emoluments of a lieutenant colonel during his incumbency. ' For pay of cadets, $850,000. IQY °‘°'°"`°° '°' The pay of cadets for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, shall be R. Sélsec. 1339, p. fixed at $780 per annum and one ration [ger day or commutation mi v_ ‘°"" m°‘ thereof at the rate of $1.08 er ration, to e paid from the appro- @’{‘{°‘;.,, ,,1,,,;,,,,,;, priation for the subsistence of) the Army: Provided, That the sum of •¤¤*Pm°¤°·°°‘* $250 shall be credited to each cadet now at the academy and to each cadet dischaged since January 1, 1919, to the extent of paying any balance ue by any such cadet to the academy on account of initial clothing and equipment issued to him. ,,2T§,?” °“ °°‘°°h°° orrrcnas ou nnracnnn snavwn xr mn Acimnmr. Em P"` M_¥j<gr exga pay of officers of the Army on detached service at the 1 1 ary ca emy: For pay of one commandant of cadets (colonel) in addition to his reglplar pay, $1,000. or pay of one professor of ordnance and science of gunnery (lieutenant colonel) m addition to pay as major, $500. For pay of one professor of law (lieutenant colonel) in addition to lpay as major, $500. or {pay of one (plrofessor of practical military engineering (lieutenant co onel) in ad `tion to pay as major, $500. For pay of twelve assistant professors (captains) in addition to pay as first and second heutenants, $4,800. Fo; pay of three battalion commanders in addition to pay as captain, 1,800. For ay of one senior assistant instructor of Field Artillery tactics (major? in addition to pay as captain, $600. For pay of one senior assistant instructor of Cavalry tactics (major) in addition to pay as captain, $600. For pay of one senior assistant instructor of Coast Artillery tactics (major) in addition to pay as captain, $600.