Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/554

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 102-104. 1920. 533 CHAP. 102.—An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge and approaches N¤’¤!¤i7&:9¤0· thereto across the Columbia River, between the towns of Pasco and Kennewick, in the State of Washington. rrubuc, No. 161.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of Representatives of the United _ Siam; of America in Congress assemble , That Charles G. Huber, his €‘$}’f‘§,b‘°(§Y*'§I';,b°, heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, bc, and he or they are 11;·¤3s{»{;;ig%mM:;m•¤;‘¤ hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operato a bridge and wasn. ' approaches thereto across the Columbm River, at a pomt suitable to the interests of navigation, such bridfgo to extend from the cast bank of said river adjacent to the town 0 Pasco, Washington, at a §>int not more than two miles upstream from the N orthom Pacific ailway bridge across said river, to a. point on the west bank of said riyer adjacent to the town of Kennewick, Washington in accordance with gonsmwuou. the provisions of the Act entitled ‘ ‘An Act to rcguiatc the construction °L 3** P' 8* of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March 23, 1906. S1:0. 2. That the nght to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ""'°“d"‘°“°' expressly reserved. ` Approved, March 17, 1920. CHAP. 103.—An Act Authorizing F._R. Beals to construct, maintain, and operate lgrcgz lgégzfai zz bridge across the N estucca Rxvar, m Tillamook Conmty, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'lqat authority is hereby b¥g?st§?”B1:;¥¤?`m{ grants to F. R. Beals and his assigns, to construct, maintain, and c'§$‘€5,iv'$»&,1;;,"]’m°° operate a bridge and agproaches thereto across the N ostucca. River, in Tillamook ounty, regon, connecting the northerly part of lot mum, one with the northerly part of lot tan, m section thirty, township four south, range ton west, Willamette meridian, in Oregon, and at a. point suitable to the interests of navigation, in accordance with cmu-muon. the provisions of the Act entitled ‘ ‘An Act to regulate the construc- V°‘·‘*‘·P·‘“· tion of bridges over navigable wat:->rs," approve March 23! 1906. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act IS hereby ‘“‘°°“"‘°‘“‘ expressly reserved. Approved, March 17, 1920. CHAP. 104.-An Act To give effect to certain provisions of the convention for the gmnection of grade-marks and commercial names, made and signed in the city of uenos Axes, m the Argontme Republic, August 20, 1910, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United States of America in Congress assembleci Tigzt the Comxgissionor of .J.°,§‘;°,LT3;"g*§me§,°d Patents shall keep a register of (a) all marks communicated to him 0,Rff-j"If,j?c8’Q°;dk°,§’,E by the intemational bureaus grovidod for by the convention for the P£¤ A¤¤¤ri·=¤¤ B¤- protection of trade·marks an commercial names, made and signed n:7u;1:39,p.l675. m tho city of Buenos Aires, in the Ar entine. Republic, August 20 19 1_O, in connection with which the foe oig$5O gold for tho international registration mstablished by article 2 of that convention has been paid, winch regxster shall show a facsimile of the mark; the name and resi- °°"“°‘"*’· dence of the regnstrant; the number, date, and p1aco of the fast registration of the mask, including the date on wluch application for such reg1stration was filed and tho term of such ragistranon, a. list of goods to Wh1Ch tnq mark is agplied as shown by tho registration in pho country of omgm, and suc other data as may be useful concerning the mark. oth mm to N (b) AH Other marks not registerable under the Act of Fobru 20, W 1905, as amended, except those specified in paragraphs (a) 8¤1:g(b) ’P` '