Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/530

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sixrY-sixr1~1 concnnss. sm. II. cu. 04. 1020. 509 WAR DEPARTMENT. W°’ D°P“'°m°¤*· CONTINGENT nxrnusns. °°¤“¤8°¤*°XP°°¤°°· For rent of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of the R°"t‘ War Department and its bureaus and offices, fiscal year 1919, $620.42. ADIUTANT ennimarfs orrrciz. °‘%2‘ii1mt mmm Not exceoditgg $500,000 of the appropriation of $3 ,500,000 for the xuimaatiii care and cus y of the draft records and for the employment of °‘°°‘”°‘ clerical assistance for the purpose of furnishing to adjutants general A»¢¢.v· 109- of States statements of service of soldiers who served in the war with Germany shall be available for the employment of clerical ass1stance necessary for the purpose of furnishing such information from the records of the demobilized army as may be properly furmshed_to public officials former soldiers, and other ersons entitled to receive P,,,,,,_,,,_ 1t: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall reallot the appropriation Rwgntggtog temof $4,000,000 for temporagy employees in the War Department in I Vol!. 40, p. 1°i:sz.C such manner as will provide an allotment of $174,000 or the office of The Ad`utant General in addition to the allotments already made for that office for the current fiscal year for work in connection with records of the demobilized army. _ _ EDSIDN De mmmsnn DEPARTKENT. “‘°"‘· { pm} Aqueduct Bridge: For continuing the constructioniof the bridge srlia§:n'i<il°°d°°° authorized in section 1 of an Act entitled "An Act to rovide for the ,,0°$,‘f“d““*“g°°”’*’“°‘ removal of what is now known as the Aqueduct Bri§§e, across the V¤¥·3M>·¤63~ Potomac River, and for the building of a bridge in p ace thereof/’ approved Mai 18, 1916, $150,000, one-half to be payable out of the ‘°°“·*’·837· asuirjy of the United States and the other half out of the revenues of the istrict of Columbia. mmuo BUu.Dmos AND omomms. Pm p°u°°' The appropriation contained in section 4 of the Act proved {:]yQ%°is’i¤°il11s¤l;i¤’i 1>& December 5, 1919, entxtled "An Act to amend an Act entiged ‘An _‘jw",‘§'f"§§2j Act relating to the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia} i approved Bebruary 28, 1901, and for other piuposes " shall be paid PMP-*¤*7· one—half out of the Treasury of the United States and one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. River and harbor mvmz AND Hannon wom:. *0**- _Fcr payment of claims adjusted and settled under section 4 of the ea1°`$l°°° E River and Harbor Appropriation Act approved June 25, 1910, and V°L °°’°‘°7°‘ certified to Congress during the present session in Senate Document Numbered 214, $956.63. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Amy, sromu. smzvrcm or rms: Amnr. smmsmm Telegraph and tele hone s stems; F r th s eci- himlgmph lim my fied under me aa. E. at la maéli ·».§.f‘i‘é‘€ *.1.“§H“.}“pr£’pe- ations for the su&port of the Army for the Escal year endix unc 30. 1920, foI’ 0 er purposes," approved July 11, 1919, e sum of $300,900 18 ltéfpby made available until June 30, 1920, from the appropriation S§nal_Service of the Army" for the fiscal year euddxgg '*••*~,,.,,,·,_,°,,,,,_!, _, uno 30. 1919= qwgdad That ma. to exceed aa,000 may be exper maaiaatt. from the appropriation for “S•g¤a1 Service of the Army" for the Esoal ·‘”"· *’· ’°"·