Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/470

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1920. 449 Sec. 28. That rights of wa through the public lands, includin 0}“,¤’*t¤BS°* my the forest reserves, of the Uniiied States are hlireby granted for pipe? l-hr~¢i)ugpl(ii>i11bH<§lz;li1il§s.$1 line purposes for the transportation of oil or natural gas to any appli- Am D 43, cant possessing the quali cations provided in section 1 of this Act, _0p¤¤imhg amuto the extent 0 the grormd occupied by the said pipe line and twenty- “°“’°‘°‘ five feet on each side of the same under such regulations as to survey, location, application, and use as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior and upon the express condition that such pipe lines shall be constructed, operated, and maintained as common carriers: _ Provided, That the Government shall in express terms reserve and §§§{,"{§§· wumon shall provide in every lease of oil lands hereunder that the lessee, {g,*°g>gj;g¤ ¤¢¤ 0*,;;} assignee, or beneficiary, if owner, or operator or owner of a controlling ’ interest in any pipe line or of any comlpany operating the same which may be ciperated accessible to the o' derive from ands under such lease, sha at reasonable rates and without discrimination aocept and cplnvey the <}il of the Gohylernment or of pny citizen oil; coman not the owner o an ipe e, 0 erating a ease or purc asing . gas lir oil under the provigioliis of this got: Provided further, That no m€`rf:gl?:l$. t° °u right of way shall hereafter be granted over said lands for the transportation of oil or natural gas except under and subject to the Forums mr mb provisions, limitations, and conditions of this section. Failure to um. compl with the provisions of this section or the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior shall be groun for forfeiture of the {ant by the United States district court for the district in which t _ e property, or some part thereof, is located in an appropriate roceedrn . - P Sec. 29%, That any permit, lease, occupation, or use permitted Sd: :2% under this Act shall reserve to the Secretary of the Interior the right to permit upon such terms as he may determine to be just, for jomt or several use, such easements or rig ts of way, including easements in tunnels upon, through, or in the lands leased, occupied, or used as may be necessary or sippropriate to the working of the same, or of other lands containing e deposits described in this Act, and the treatment and shipment of the products thereof by or under authority of the Government, its lessees, or permittees, and for other public P no purposes: Provided, That said Secretary, in his discretion, in making nigiiaii or surface any lease under thas Act, may reserve to the United States the right °"““‘*°'°“‘°"· to ease, sell, or otherwise dispose of the surface of the lands embraced within such lease under existing law or laws hereafter enacted, in so far as said surface is not necessary for use of the lessee in extractin and removing the deposits therein: Provided {urther, That if sucg ,,,,]§°§,$,';“,§{,‘;*§“,,8;*§ reservation is made it shall be so determined efore the offering of ` such lease: And pmmdedfurther, That the said Secretary, during the Easement periodslife of the lease, is authorized to issue such permits for easements herein provided to be reserved. Assignmms cm 0, b Sec. 30.dThat ngllczase issuied urgleril the authorii? of this Act shal} IMM ¤¢===¤¤=¤·i ' e assigne or su e , excep wit the consent o the Secret o m·S,,,,,,,,, N, the Interior. The lessee may, in the discretion of the Secretgg of ¤¤§§£¤q t the Interior, be permitted at any time to make written relinquishment of all rights under such a ease, and upon acce tance thereof be thereby reheved of all future obligations under said Erase, and may with like consent surrender any le subdivision of the area included Ramcnve ,pm»·x- within the lease. Each lease shallzontain provisions for the purpose §§,‘}'g§; QQ; ‘m‘g°°°°· of insuring the exercise of reasonable diligence, skill, and care in " the operation of said property; a provision that such rules for the safety and welfare of the miners and for the prevention of undue waste as may be prescribed by said Secretary shall be observed, hw ,,,,,.,,¤m_ including arestriction of the workday to not exceeding eight hours in any one day for rmderground Workers except in cases of emergency provisions prohibiting the employment of any boy under the age oi