Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/435

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414 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESSJ Sess. II. `Ch. 75. 1920. Secret of the Interior to enablelindians to become self·su rting`: gglyiiiuae. Provid;2 That said sum shall be expended under conditidigso to ·be

 by the Secroltéry of] the Interior for its regayfréient tomohe

uma. ni tates on or ore une 30, 1930: , at not to exceed $20,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be exoended on any one rewrvation or for the bene t—of angoone tribe ML'1‘r¤>•!h¤rd¤¤=¤¤1¤d- of ndians, and that no part of this appropriation shall used for the purchase of tribal herds. I o ’ . venues. VEHICLES, FOB. INDLAN SERVICE. — · , Am, ¤°°¤,, * *9* m*¤· That not to exceed $200,000*of ap licable a priations made r°pm’°t°' herein for the B1n·eau~of Indian Aifaiis shall blgualvailabler for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motonproipelled and horse- , drawn passenger-cangingvehicles for the use o superintendents, farmers, phys1cians,' el matrons, allotgpli, irrliglation, and other {»m;.,,,,'°”°°”;,,,;,,,;_ ggploglees in tlhga Boil servicloz P thed, at not to_ exceed

  • ,0 ma " use in eurcaseo orse-drawn asse ry

carrying vegricles, and not to exgeed $40,000 for the pnrchgse ofggdlg toripropelled passeroger-cacnjying vehicles, and that such vehicles w§;’§§:p:*3*fm°;g{f’°m sh be used only or officral service: Provided further 'l‘hat such motor-propelleyi vehicles shall be purchased from the War Department, of practicable. __ E L*'°•*°°¥°“°”“***“· SUPPRESSING CONTAGIOUS DISEASES AMONG LIVE STOCK · a ‘ OF INDIANS; ,u£,§g’,'§‘£’,§2,°fblf°§€§ For reimbursing Indians for live stock which may be hereafter · destroyed on account of being infected with dourine or other contagious diseases, and for expenses in connection with the work of eradicating and preventing such diseases, to be expended under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, $40,000. w»»¤¤r¤¤¤v¤¤¤·¤r- DEVELOPING WATER FOR INDIAN STOCK. Increasin ° ‘ ‘ ‘ * • · S b §,,,.j§“?,“'—f For 1mp1'0V1I1g 8Pl’1DgS, dnlling wells, and otherwise develo rn mia rgarvrutgsg and conserving water for the use of Indian stock, including the gurg chase construction, and mstallation of pumsing machinery, tanks, troughs, and other necessary equipment, an for necessary investigations and surveys, for the purpose of increasing the available matt. gazing rarpge on unallotted lands on Indian reservations, $50,000: C°¤°*“°¤· ed, at the necessity exists on an Indian reservation so far as the Indians themselves are concerned? S¤'°=°'*¤*”¤“"*°°’~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF INDIAN LANDS (REIMBURSABLE). ,,Q°"°"'““g °‘p°“` There is hereby appropriated from any fund in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, $6,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of newspaper advertisements of sales 0; Igrldran liands, rlorrnbursalale from payment'i1s.6b§;§>urchasers of costs o s e, un er suc an regulations as rotary of the Interior may prescribe.

  • ""“g "i"”“”l°‘ That any drsb agent of the Indian Service `th th al

entsauthnnzcd. , W1 0 8. FOV ag of the Commissioner ol Indian,_may authorize a clerk erggloyed in his office to act rn his place and_ discharge all the duties devolved upon hun by law or regulations druing such time as he may be unable p,,,,,_,,,_ to perform the duties of his position because of absence, hysical

 bv bam M disability, or other d.iso1ualifying_circr1mstances: Promded, Ttlrat the

official bond gxven by the drsbrnsing agent to the United States shall